★ twenty nine ★

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  [Light smut warning]

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  [Light smut warning]

     "Nikki come on we gotta get up" I murmured, even though I really didn't feel the need to get up at all. We were snuggled in tight in Nikki's bed. Today was the day we had to go back out on tour. While I was excited and felt more than ready to get back on stage, I had to admit, lying down and doing literally nothing with Nikki next to me felt pretty good too. 

"Don't wanna," Nikki whined tiredly as he pulled me closer to him by my waist, burying his face in the crook of my neck. I couldn't help but laugh at the tickling feeling of his breath as well as his stubble on my neck. "oh is baby ticklish?" he asked. I could just envision the smirk on his face. 

"Noooo" I dragged the word out and my answer did not sound the least bit convincing. 

"Okay then" Nikki muttered but before I knew it, he was tickling my sides and I couldn't stop the loud squeal like laugh. "I knew it!" he laughed at me as he continued. 

"Nikki s-stop! Oh my god please stop" I was full on laughing at this point and could hardly breathe. 

"So very opposite of what you were saying last night" he winked making me roll my eyes with a laugh. 

Finally, he let up. Nikki was hovering over me and I couldn't help but stare up at him in admiration once my giggles had subsided. 

"Good morning beautiful" he rasped, making me feel all funny inside. 

"Good morning handsome" I smiled, running my hand up his chest and resting it behind his neck. 

"How much time do you think we have until the guys show up?" Nikki asked, trailing his fingers up my inner thigh. 

"Not nearly enough time for that" I chuckled, trying to push his hand away. He simply took my hands in his and pinned them above my head. 

"Challenge accepted" Nikki winked, leaning down and capturing my lips. I felt him intertwine his fingers with mine and I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. He really was too cute. 

Nikki pulled away from the kiss and I couldn't even stop the whine that had escaped my lips. He laughed softly at this. "You need me baby?" he asked, planting kisses all down my neck. I moaned at the feeling. 

"Yes" I answered breathy. 

"Alright rise and shine bitches we gotta- WHOA!" Tommy shouted as he barged into Nikki's bedroom. 

"Tommy what the fuck man?!" Nikki let out an exasperated sigh, doing his best to cover me up with the blanket. While I was incredibly embarrassed, I couldn't help but laugh at Tommy's impeccable timing.

"They're fuckin' in there aren't they? I knew it, Mick you owe me thirty bucks man!" I heard Vince shout outside the room. I rolled my eyes with a smile. I missed these idiots. 

"So wait a minute. Is this finally an official thing or...?" Tommy gestured between Nikki and I. 

"Yeah man, now can you get out of here so I can fuck my girl's brains out?" Nikki asked with slight annoyance in his voice. I stared up at him in disbelief and smacked him in the chest. "What?" he asked childishly. 

"Alright but hurry it up you two, bus is leavin' in 10!" Tommy shut the door behind him with a smirk. "Hey both you fuckers owe me fifty, they're finally dating!" we heard him shout as he headed back downstairs. Nikki looked back at me and we both busted out into laughter. 

"Those fuckers are something else" I chuckled, trying to get up from the bed. Nikki however, pushed me right back down. "what are you doing?" I asked him with a laugh.

"What I said I was gonna do, fuck your brains out" he smirked down at me, settling between my legs. I felt his hard member against me and I had to bite back my moans. 

"But we have to go and the guys are literally right outside the door. How are you still in the mood?" I asked curiously and with wide eyes.

"You're naked," Nikki gestured, lowering the sheet that he had previously used to shield my body from Tommy. "what more motivation do I need?" 

I shook my head with a smile. "How romantic" 

"Yeah I do the best that I can," he winked, taking his cock in his hand and rubbing it teasingly against my pussy. I let out a gasp at the contact and looked up at Nikki through my lashes. "come on baby what do ya say? Clock's ticking" he continued to tease me. 

I wrapped my legs around Nikki's torso and pulled him closer, successfully making him thrust slightly into me. "Oh fuuuck" he moaned out at the sudden feeling.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked, smirking up at him, trying to come across as cocky. 

"Shit, you're in for it now baby" Nikki chuckled darkly as he slid out of me and sharply thrust back into me, making me moan a little louder than before. 

"Alright fuck this shit, I'm waiting out in the bus. You losers wanna listen to them fuck you go right ahead" I heard Mick grumble. I couldn't help but laugh and so did Nikki. 

"Still in the mood?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. 

Nikki nodded, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my lips. He pulled away and brushed his lips against mine. "Pretty much any time I look at you" 

. . .

A/N: lil filler chapter cause I felt like it? lol

I hope you guys are still invested in this story cause I got a shit ton of ideas for future chapters and I am so stoked :) 

Thanks for reading and please don't forget to vote and any feedback is encouraged! 

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