★ nine ★

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   [Warning: Little bit of smut

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   [Warning: Little bit of smut. Enjoy?]

     We made our way into the elevator, hand in hand. I pushed the button that my floor was on and the doors closed right after. 

Slash cleared his throat. "Can I try something?" he asked softly. I looked up at him and nodded with a small smile on my face. He smiled back and leaned down, locking his lips with mine. I kissed him back almost immediately. He bit down on my lip, eliciting a moan from me and he pushed his tongue into my mouth. He had me pressed up against one of the walls in the elevator and had lifted my leg up to his waist. 

The elevator dinged and that made me pull away from Slash. He looked at me, a little grin on his face. "You got whiskey all over yourself." I chuckled, pointing at his now drenched white shirt that had gotten remnants of the alcohol from my dress. 

"Worth it" he shrugged, as we made our way out of the elevator. 

"You can say that again" I muttered to myself, not-so subtly checking him out. 

"Keep looking at me like that and I may just have to take you right here, right now" Slash smirked. 

"That a threat or a promise?" I winked, leading him to my room. 

"Whatever you want it to be" he replied making me blush softly. I couldn't deny that I was insanely attracted to Slash and I had to thank the alcohol for giving me such confidence. 

I was trying to open the door to my hotel room which proved to be a little difficult when I had Slash feeling me up from behind. I stopped suddenly which made him laugh. "Something wrong babe?" he asked, cheeky bastard.

"Not at all, just a little distracted" I muttered, finally getting the door unlocked. I opened the door and turned to Slash, pulling him in by the collar of his shirt. 

Slash kicked the door shut behind him and we began kissing again. And if I thought the kiss in the elevator was heated, holy shit this one was even more intense. I broke away to remove his shirt and his top hat, while he had shoved my jacket off my shoulders. I kicked my heels off and Slash led me over to my bed. He turned me around and pushed me lightly so I was bracing myself up on the bed by my forearms He pulled my hair back slightly, lifting me up. I let out a moan at his actions and he chuckled in response. His hand made it's way to my dress's zipper and pulled it down all the way. 

He pulled me back by my dress until I was fully standing again, my back to him. I shoved the dress down my body and stepped out of it and turned around to face him. I was standing in nothing but my panties and didn't even blush. Thank you alcohol.

 Slash drank in my appearance, as my hand reached out to undo his pants. He let me do it and pulled me in for another searing kiss. I ran my fingers through his hair and he pulled me closer to him by cupping my ass in his hands. 

I let out a breathy moan as we broke the kiss. "You're so beautiful" Slash murmured against my lips. 

"Smooth talker" I smiled, making him laugh softly. 

"Just being honest" he said, making me gush. I pushed him down onto the bed and straddled his waist. He brought his hands up to my hips and rocked me against him a few times, making us both moan at the friction. He reached his hand up to remove my panties when all of a sudden we heard a loud and persistent knock at my door. 

Slash looked at me curiously and I gave him the same look. I leaned back down and kissed him, choosing to ignore the door. Big mistake. 

I heard the door unlock and open. "Hey Ria, are you in here?" I heard that voice that I grew to despise by the minute.

"Nikki what the fuck?!" I shrieked, rolling off of Slash and attempting to cover myself up. Slash pushed the blanket up so that it covered my naked chest. 

"Oh there you are!" he slurred. 

"What the hell are you doing in here?" I glared. Slash had sat up next to me. 

"I needed some piece and quite from the guys and well, I brought drugs" he smiled at me, batting his eyelashes. 

This made Slash laugh. "I'm gonna go have a smoke real quick, okay?" Slash looked over at me. I nodded with a smile and he kissed me on the cheek, getting up and heading out onto the balcony. 

I looked at Nikki who now had a victory grin of his own. "How did you even get in here?" I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose in annoyance. 

"Flirt a little with the girl at the front desk can do wonders" he smirked, holding up a key card to my room. 

"You're unbelievable." I sighed in frustration, holding the sheet tight against my chest. 

"Why thank you" he grinned, leaning in and kissing me before I could back away. He pulled away after a bit and smirked. "I told you, no one gets to touch what's mine. I was serious." 

"Yeah, seriously delusional." I glared. 

He laughed. "You flirt," he walked over to my coffee table and dumped out a little baggy of the white powder I grew to love. "well come on babe, I know you want some. And I'm not talking about me." 

I groaned at him and looked around for a shirt. Thankfully, I had a Ramones shirt laying next to my bed. I reached over and threw it on, I had definitely flashed Nikki in the process. 

"Nice tits." he smirked. 

"God, I hate you." I muttered, making my way over to snort the coke and forget about this embarrassing moment I was enduring. 

"Love ya too baby" he smirked, leaning over and kissing my cheek. 

Kill me.

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