★ seventeen ★

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     Tonight for our "after party" of sorts, the majority voted we head to the nearest bar

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     Tonight for our "after party" of sorts, the majority voted we head to the nearest bar. I let out a sigh but ended up going along with it. I didn't want to be such a huge buzzkill but at the same time, I just wanted to go pass out at the hotel. The band and I were all sharing a room tonight apparently, that should be interesting.

"So Ria, how'd it feel out on that stage?" Steven, my band mate, asked with a huge smile on his face. Tony and Jason asked as well.

"Honestly?" I looked at them, they all nodded eagerly. "So fucking cool! We're gonna have so much fun on the tour, holy shit" I nearly squealed, earning cheers from my band. This was our first 'big' tour. We were gonna be playing stadiums which was way out of our element. We've been playing in bars and clubs for the past two years. But we weren't scared, we were more than ready. 

Not even an hour later, Crue was all cleaned up and ready to go. Mick backed out, saying he was gonna take Emi back to the hotel and have a chill night. Lucky bastard. 

We made our way to a bar down the street once we got the word that they knew we were coming and had some tables for us. I rolled my eyes at the thought as I looked at my group of friends. We were far from glamorous, that's for sure. 

Once we were outside, I made my way over to the band van, much to the confusion of the boys, and Donna. 

"Where you going sugar?" Axl hollered. 

"To change into something else." I replied with a shrug, earning me some boos. 

"We like what you have on!" Steven Adler shouted, earning some laughs. 

"Yeah! Even if you are making fun of my band" Vince added. 

"YOUR band?" Tommy shouted in a playful manner. 

Tuning them out, I made my way into the van, finding my bag and changing into something more comfortable. I threw on an oversized Motorhead shirt, tying it at my hips with a hair elastic. I decided to keep the fishnets on but changed into some black shorts that didn't have my ass falling out of them. I also opted for my all black converse instead of heels. Who knew how much drinking and walking we were gonna be doing tonight? 

Once I had all my necessities, I stepped out of the van, closed it and locked it. I turned to find everyone staring at me. "What?" I asked. 

"How do you manage to look good when you're dressed down? Teach me!" Donna said playfully making me roll my eyes with a smile. 

We all began walking again when Slash spoke up. "You like Motorhead?" he asked. 

"Of course, they fuckin' rule" I grinned making him smile wide at me.

"And it was at that moment, when Slash knew he was in love" Duff spoke up in a narrative voice, earning some laughs and a punch to his shoulder from Slash. 

I saw Slash was trying not to blush so I poked his cheek. He grabbed my finger and looked down at me. "You really gotta stop egging them on like that" 

"I don't know what you're talking about" I lied with a sweet smile. 

He just laughed. "Oh, you're gonna get it later" 

"Can't wait" I winked and he leaned down to peck my lips. 

"Can you guys move any fucking slower? Jesus" Nikki spoke up, directing his words to Slash and I. 

"Can you bitch any louder?" I threw back at him, earning some 'yeahs' from the guys. Donna looked at me with a smirk. 'Someone's jealous' she mouthed at me, making me flip her off. What did he have to be jealous of? He had a relationship, if you could call it that. He had no right to mess with me the way he does or get mad at me for actually being interested in someone who also seems to be interested in me; not just interested in fucking with my head. 

. . .

We had been in the bar for maybe two hours now and Axl had kept on ordering us rounds of drinks. I was sure he was determined to get some of us to black out tonight, like it was his goal or something. 

My last chance at sanity was talking with Donna but she was definitely passed tipsy as her and Vince were up and dancing very suggestively. Slash was good company but he was at the bar grabbing a bottle of Jack and was currently swarmed by groupies. He was talking with them and even had a little smirk on his face when they spoke back. Part of me was jealous but the other part of me knew I couldn't be. We weren't together after all. 

I excused myself from the table and no one seemed to notice. Thank god. I headed for the exit so I could go have a much needed cigarette. I was outside on my own for maybe a good five minutes before he decided to join me. 

"You'd think you of all people would know better Maria, it's not safe to be out here on your own." Nikki teased. 

I nearly glared at him right then and there. "As long as I'm away from you, I'm more than safe." I took a long drag from my cigarette and exhaled. 

Nikki stood in front of me and took the cigarette from my hand, taking a drag of it for himself. Fuck, he was really getting on my nerves. I snagged my cigarette back from him making him chuckle. "Trouble in paradise for you and Slash, huh?" he mocked playfully. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked, not amused by his games. 

"Well he looked pretty cozy with all those groupies in there. Hell, he even made out with one." he spoke, no trace of taunting or mocking in his voice. 

I admit, that felt kind of shitty to hear but never the less, I brushed it off. We're not together. We're not together.

"That's all?" I asked. 

Nikki stared at me in disbelief. "What do you mean that's all? You're gonna just accept it and go back with him to his hotel room tonight? You gonna invite the groupies to join in too?!" he was nearly yelling. I didn't realize he'd get this mad over me not giving into his little game. 

"I don't see why any of that matters. Why do you care?" I asked, seriously wanting an answer. 

He went to speak but then stopped himself. I stubbed out my cigarette and decided to head back inside when I realized he wasn't gonna give me an answer. But then he surprised me.

"You're kinda pathetic Maria," he spoke up. "you let people walk all over you cause you're just so desperate. So desperate for love." 

I turned back around to look right into Nikki's eyes. There was no remorse, compassion, or even anger. His expression was blank. 

I shook my head with a laugh. "That's where you're wrong, Sixx. I gave up on love a long time ago." and with that, I headed back inside without him. 

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