★ seven ★

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     Nikki had pulled me into some dark room backstage and slammed the door behind us. I let out a shriek when I felt him spin me and slam me up against the same door. 

"What the hell was that?!" he growled. 

"W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered and mentally scolded myself for it. I only stuttered when I was really nervous, anxious, or scared. Right now, I was a mix of three.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about," he said, titling my chin up so I had to look him in the eye. "I don't want him touching you like that ever again. You're mine, Maria." every word he said held meaning. He looked dead serious and while the look on his face scared me, I couldn't help but wonder, who the hell did this guy think he was?!

"Excuse me? I don't belong to anyone but myself" I glared at him, using all of my strength to push him off me. It worked, but he didn't go too far. 

"What did you just say?" he asked, staring at me in disbelief. Oh yeah, I forgot this man wasn't used to not getting his way. 

"Did I stutter? Now go on, run off to Vanity." I nodded towards the door. 

Nikki stared at me intently and then suddenly, started laughing. "You know I don't give two shits about her." he shook his head, laughing. 

"Well yeah, you don't care about anyone but yourself" I noted. He made his way back over to me. 

"Oh come on babe, you know that's not true" he looked down at me, attempting to wrap his arms around my waist. I took a step back but found myself up against the wall. Nikki placed his hands on either sides of my head. 

"Do I?" I asked. 

He stared down at me and I couldn't read the look in his eyes. He appeared to be lost in thought for a moment. 

"Well I wish you did." he mumbled. He leaned in and pecked my lips so softly, so unlike him. And then he pushed himself away from me and exited the room, leaving me there flustered and confused. 

Seriously. Who did this guy think he was? Was this fun for him? He was giving me a serious headache. 

"I need a drink" I muttered to myself and made my way out of the room and towards the Crue's dressing room. 

The boys were all chatting among themselves as groupies were approaching them and roadies were making their way past them, loading up the equipment. 

Everyone looked preoccupied and when I looked over to Nikki, sure enough Vanity was hanging off of him. He looked down at her with a smirk and whispered something in her ear making her laugh rather loud. Fuck, she's got an annoying laugh. 

I saw Slash surrounded by a few women but when he saw me, he left them without another thought and made his way over to me. "Hey there you are" he grinned making me melt at the sight. 

"Here I am" I smiled up at him. Feeling bold I brushed some of his curls out of his face so I could actually see it. He had ditched his sunglasses from before and I'm glad. He had really nice eyes. He smiled slightly at my action and titled slightly to kiss my hand. I giggled at this. Yes, actually giggled like I was a damn schoolgirl or something. 

We all headed out to the buses. I guess Guns brought their own bus. "You riding with us?" Slash asked me. Before I could answer, Tommy cut in.

"Hey Ria, where you going?" he yelled as he saw Slash and I heading over to the G'N'R bus. 

"Same place you're going Tommy, just on a different bus." I replied, making him pout. I just blew a kiss at him which made him smile again. Nikki on the other hand, looked ready to rip Slash's head off.

"Whoa whoa, who said you were allowed on our bus, missy?" Duff asked, a playful smirk on his face. 

"Yeah, we need all the room we can get" Axl added, a blonde girl on both sides of him. 

"Would you change your mind if I said I come bearing gifts?" I asked with a smile and flashed them my most "innocent" eyes I could. I held up the joints in my hand. This earned some smiles from the group. 

"Well Slash, I certainly dig your new lady" Axl grinned, snagging a joint for himself and headed onto the bus. I looked over to see Slash trying not to blush. 

"Let's get a move on" Steven hollered from the bus. I headed on into the bus and felt a slap on my ass yet again. 

I turned around and shot him a look that read "seriously?" to which he just laughed. "Just taking advantage of the opportunity" he smirked making me shake my head with a laugh. 

"You're something else, Slash." 

"Thanks," he smiled. "I like you too." 

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