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     I woke up the next morning actually covered in a blanket for once

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     I woke up the next morning actually covered in a blanket for once. When I opened my eyes I realized that I was on one of the couches in the main room. The only sound was the tv but it wasn't at a high volume. 

Very slowly, I sat up and let out a yawn, catching the attention of Slash, who I just noticed was on the other couch. "Well good morning, sunshine" he smiled softly at me. Holy shit, was his morning voice ever hot. 

"Good morning," I smiled shyly. "did we really pass out on couches?" 

This made Slash laugh. "Well you actually fell asleep on the floor cause Nikki took over your bed, so I put you on the couch" 

I rolled my eyes at the thought of Nikki still being here. "Well thank you, that was really nice of you. Did you wanna go grab breakfast or something?" I offered, with a smile. 

"Yeah, I'd like that" his smile matched mine. 

"Okay perfect" I got up from the couch and walked over, kissing him on the cheek and heading off to my bedroom. 

I walked into my room to find it looking like a war zone. Oh yeah, Sixx had been in here alright. Speaking of Sixx, he was currently fast asleep on my bed, cuddled up next to a pillow. I laughed softly at the sight, it was kinda cute. 

I grabbed a baggy Cinderella shirt, some black shorts, and my Dr Martens boots, and headed into my bathroom to get changed. I cleaned myself up, brushed out my hair, put on some simple makeup, and then threw on my outfit. Checking myself out in the mirror for a little longer than I should have, I accepted my look, and then made it into my room again. I was looking around for my leather jacket and couldn't find it. I checked around my bed and ended up finding it. It was underneath Nikki as he was cuddling it as well as my pillow. 

I rolled my eyes with a smile and kissed his forehead. "Sweet dreams, Nikki" I muttered as I made my way out to the living room to find Slash.

"You ready to go?" Slash asked, smoking a cigarette from the couch.

"Yeah, just looking for a jacket" I sighed, rummaging through the mess that was my room.

"Oh here babe, you can wear mine" he said, lifting up his jean jacket and handed it towards me with a warm smile. 

"Oh, well thank you" I beamed at him, taking the over-sized jacket and threw it on, letting it wrap around me. I made sure to pick up my wallet, key card, and cigarettes, to make sure I was good to go. 

"Ya good?" he smirked, as he saw the jacket nearly consume me.

"Mhm," I winked up at him, pulling him in for a kiss, making sure to bite down on his lip gently just to tease him. Before it could escalate, I pulled away. "let's go!" I smiled taking his hand in mine and heading out the door. Slash just let out a groan and muttered how much of a tease I was.

Once we were in the elevator, Slash was back to feeling me up and I was not complaining at all. We were getting a little too heated, that we didn't even notice the elevator stop. The doors open to reveal Axl. "Jesus Christ, didn't you two get it on enough last night?" he laughed, Slash pulled away from me but still kept my body hidden from Axl, so I could fix my shirt. Slash fixed my hair for me and I smiled up at him. 

"Oh shut it man" Slash replied, laughing in the process. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side, making me smile at the gesture. 

Axl observed the two of us, a sly smirk on his face. "Slash, I expected more from you. There's not a damn mark on her." he laughed as Slash hid behind his hair, most likely blushing. 

"Oh give him a break," I spoke up, Axl titled his head at my words and honestly he looked like a confused puppy and it was adorable. Slash looked over at me too. "he was absolutely amazing" I purred, resting my head on his chest. Slash tensed up a little at my touch and I looked up to find his cheeks looking a little pink. Axl was laughing again. 

Axl had decided to join us when I said we were off to find some breakfast. "Oh man, there's a Denny's right down the street!" he cheered, making me shake my head with a smile. I looked over at Slash who just raised his eyebrows at me, then he threw on his sunglasses. 

"Can we go? Huh? Can we?" Axl asked when no one spoke up. He looked over at me and flashed me the biggest and most innocent eyes he possibly could. It seemed so out of character for him. "Pleeeeease mom?" he asked, batting his eyelashes for dramatic effect.

I couldn't help but bust out laughing, grabbing a cigarette from my- well Slash's jacket. "Yeah as long as you never call me that again." 

"You got it" he grinned, opening the door for us as we made our way outside. As soon as we stepped foot outside, I lit up my cigarette and saw Slash staring at me. I chuckled and handed him a cigarette as well as my lighter, making him smile and take them gratefully. 

"So, you going to the show tonight?" Slash asked hopefully. 

"Yeah, kinda have to. Those boys would kill me if I skipped out on them" I laughed, remembering the time I got food poisoning and missed a show. The Crue was so pissed, Tommy nearly broke the door down. Until they saw me laying next to the toilet. Then, they became my servants, it was so cute. 

Slash laughed and took my hand in his, startling me at the sudden movement. I rolled with it and interlocked my fingers with him. "Well that's good to know, I'd be bored without you there" he smiled, making me blush.

"How could you be bored when you have that ball of energy over there to entertain you?" I pointed at Axl who was farther ahead of us, swinging himself around a light pole. Slash just shook his head at the sight with a laugh.

"He does like to have everyone's attention but I guess lately I've been a little... distracted." he replied, running his thumb over my knuckles. What a sap. 

"My bad" I grinned, pulling him over to me for a kiss. I really liked Slash, and I couldn't believe how simple and natural it felt to be with him. 

But knowing me, I'd fuck this up eventually. 

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