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     The Crue had invited us to see their show tonight, to which we all agreed. They were leaving my hotel right now to head over for soundcheck. 

"Come with us to soundcheck?" Nikki asked me, throwing on his shirt that I ended up giving back. I was now dressed in a KISS shirt and sweatpants. SO hot, I know. 

"I gotta clean this place up a little." I motioned to my very rough looking hotel room. Yeah I know the hotel has maids for that, but this is just excessive and I'm not an asshole. Okay, maybe I am. But I'm still a decent person.... sometimes. 

"Alright but you are coming to our show tonight, right?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into him and forcing me to look straight up at him. 

"Of course, I said I'd be there" I looked at him funny. 

"Just checking babe," he smiled down at me. Without hesitation he leaned down and locked his lips on mine. Before it could get to heated, I pulled away slowly, placing my hand on his chest. He just laughed softly. "see ya later" he smiled, making his way out of my hotel. I stared at the door, that he had just left from and let out a sigh.

"Alright what the fuck was that?" I heard someone say, making me jump. 

"Holy shit Mick, you're still here?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I forgot my smokes. But what the hell was that exactly?" Mick motioned to myself and the door that Nikki just left from. Mick wasn't a big talker, that much was obvious to anyone that saw him. But one day, we kinda just formed a bond. He may not talk a lot but sometimes, I can't get him to shut up. 

"If I knew man, I'd tell you" I sighed, deciding to get a start on cleaning. 

"I think he may like you" Mick pondered out loud. I couldn't help but laugh at his words. 

"Nice try Mick, he just likes sex. Plus, he's got Vanity." I pointed out, grabbing all the empty bottles and throwing them in a garbage bag. 

"Oh don't remind me of that crazy bitch," Mick rolled his eyes, making me laugh. "but seriously. He's never acted like that with her. Or any chick really." he mused. That made me feel funny inside but I had to get rid of those thoughts and feelings right away. 

"Whatever you say" I shrugged. This time he was the one to roll his eyes. 

"Stubborn kid" he muttered, heading for the door. 

"Senile old man" I taunted back, making him laugh and shoot me the finger. 

"See ya tonight Ria" he called, I just waved with a smile and he closed the door behind him. 

It took me about an hour to clean up after all the boys as well as myself. And the whole time I found myself thinking about the way Nikki was acting towards me today and Mick's words. Surely I was looking too much into this, right? He'd be back to his arrogant self tonight. 

Shaking my head, I checked the time. Shit, I had to get ready! The show started in an hour. 

. . .

The boys said they'd meet me at the arena so I took the extra time to look less dead and more attractive. I had thrown on a tight black dress, some pumps, and my trusty leather jacket. My hair wasn't too big but it was definitely teased a bit. I had put on some eyeliner and a dark red lipstick. 

Once I noticed this was as good as it was gonna get, I grabbed my cigarettes, wallet, and hotel key, and headed out. 

The cab ride wasn't too long and I thanked my lucky stars the cabbie wasn't another vile perv. I handed over the cash and made my way to the arena. As I made my way to the main doors I scanned the sea of people for my band mates. 

I nearly made it into the arena when I felt someone grab my arm. "And where do you think you're going little lady?" a big bouncer asked me. I saw behind him a bunch of groupies glaring at me. Oh hell no. 

"To the show" I rolled my eyes, trying to get out of his grip.

"I don't think so miss. Where's your ticket?" he sneered, earning some laughs from the groupies. 

"They're holding on to it for me" I replied. This earned me a huge laugh from the bouncer. 

"Yeah okay. Like I've never heard that one before. Get going" he went to shove me away from the direction I was trying to go. 

"Get your fucking paws off me asshole" I shouted. 

"Ria!" I heard Jason call. Him, Tony, and Steven made their way over. 

"What the fuck's going on?" Tony asked, glaring at the bouncer. 

"Just telling your friend who doesn't have a ticket here to hit the road" the bouncer stood his ground. 

"Yeah well it just so happens she does have one," Steven snarled, handing me over my rather shiny looking VIP lanyard ticket. This made the bouncer's eyes go wide and the groupies that were laughing at me immediately shut up. "so why don't you get your fat greasy hands off her. I doubt that Nikki Sixx would be too keen on hearing you touched his girl." he threatened. 

My eyes widened slightly and I shot a glare at Steven. I was NOT Nikki's girl but he shot me a look that said "roll with it". To which, I dropped the glare. 

My eyes met the bouncer's and I gave him a taunting look to which he actually looked like he was gonna shit his pants. "My mistake miss" 

"It's alright, we all make them. Just ask your parents" I replied, as me and the boys made our way into the arena. 

Once inside, they all busted out laughing. "Shit Ria, you're ruthless" Tony cackled. 

"Only to assholes and that guy made us look like total saints" I shrugged. We wandered backstage making our way to the actual stage. The boys were standing there waiting to go on. Passing around booze among themselves. 

Tommy was the first one to see us and waved us over. "Hey you fuckers made it!" he cheered, making us laugh. When the rest of the guys turned to see us, I noticed that there was another person with them hanging off of Nikki.

It was his "girlfriend" Vanity. 


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