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     Nikki got us a cab and we were off in pursuit of the hotel he was staying at. That was the one really annoying thing about him; well one of many. Anytime we got stoned together, it had to be at his hotel room. His paranoia kind of takes over his mind. I feel like I should be more worried about it, but I can't get past how ridiculous he is.

"Alright, that'll be $22.70" the cabbie announced, as he parked us in front of some fancy ass hotel. 

"Oh we don't have any money but my girl here will blow you." Nikki stated. His voice sounded serious, making my eyes go wide. 

"You're disgusting, Sixx" I groaned, grabbing money from out of my leather jacket. 

"No need for money there miss. Your boyfriend's offer works for me" the cabbie smirked at me from the mirror above him. 

I laughed dryly. "Yeah well he's not my boyfriend and that offer doesn't work for me," in an instant, I had grabbed my trusty handgun that was in my garter belt from under my skirt and had it pressed against his temple. 

"Holy shit" Nikki nearly shouted. 

"So pardon me sir, but I'd rather pay you than blow you. Is that okay with you?" I asked, batting my eyelashes at him for dramatic effect.

"You know what? Your ride is free. Really. On me." the cabbie stuttered.

"Oh really? Well that's quite nice of you, thank you" I smiled, putting my gun back into place securely in my garter belt. 

"Consider this a tip: don't ever try to take advantage of women." I placed money in his lap and got out of the car. Nikki followed me and I heard squealing tires, letting me know that the cabbie was gone. 

"What the fuck was that?!" Nikki asked me, his eyes wide. 

"That's what I was going to ask you. Why would you get us a cab if you have no money?" I glared at him.

"Babe, I'm Nikki Sixx. I don't need money to get what I want." he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. 

I rolled my eyes in frustration. I hated this man. But he did promise me drugs; and I am weak.

We headed into the hotel and made our way to the elevator. But not without Nikki getting bombarded by what would appear to be groupies.

He autographed their boobs, took pictures with them, and even kissed one that practically threw themselves at her. 

One of them had whispered something in his ear, making him look at me. "Well I don't think so honey. My girl might not be too fond of that idea." 

The groupies all looked in my direction, sneering at me. Until suddenly, one of the groupies' jaw dropped. 

"Oh my god you're Ria Ramos! I saw your band play tonight, you guys were amazing!" she squealed, making me smile. 

"Thank you." She handed me  the sharpie and I signed her other boob and took a couple pictures with her. We all said our goodbyes and Nikki and I got into the elevator. 

"So how'd it feel getting recognized for the first time?" Nikki smirked at me.

"Oh fuck you" I sighed.

"Believe me baby, that's exactly what I want you to do" he grabbed me by my waist, bringing my body flush against his. 

I gasped and put my hands up against his chest in an attempt to create space between us. Sixx had other plans. He took my arms and placed them around his neck and rested his on my ass.

"Sixx" I muttered, looking up into his eyes.

"Just shut up and let me kiss you" he said. His teased black hair had fallen into his face. I brought my hand around to move his hair out of his face, making him smile slightly. He raised his eyebrows at me, basically asking me for permission. I nodded slightly, he didn't think twice and pressed his lips to mine. 

Before our kissing could get too heated, the elevator made a ding noise, and the doors opened revealing the floor that Nikki was staying on.

I pulled away from Nikki making him look at me funny, until he realized where we were. And just like that, his smirk was back as he took my hand and lead me out of the elevator. "Right this way, babe."

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