★ thirty four ★

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     It was time for Infamous to go on and that was when I finally decided to get off the bus

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     It was time for Infamous to go on and that was when I finally decided to get off the bus. Well, more like stumble. I was a little intoxicated if I was being completely honest. Reluctantly, I threw on Nikki's leather jacket that he let me wear before over my current outfit. I fixed up my makeup and messed with my hair until I deemed it as "suitable". 

Making my way off the bus, I ignored all the looks I was getting from the roadies and the groupies. I haphazardly put my sunglasses on so no one could see just how drunk I was. 

As I struggled to get the door to the stage open, the incredibly obvious dawned on me. Maybe I shouldn't have got drunk before our show. Oh well. Too late to change that now. 

"There you are!" Jason yelled out as he saw me, gaining everyone's attention as they all stared at me and my ridiculous appearance. 

"Here I am" I slurred. 

"Oh shit, Ria are you drunk?" Tony asked, letting out a sigh of disapproval. 

"Not yet, but this should do it" I said reaching for the bottle of Jack close to me. But Duff snatched it before I could grab it. "Well that was rude" I pouted up at the man. 

He looked like he was holding in a laugh. "How about you get through your set first and then the bottle is all yours?" Duff offered. 

"Promise?" I asked, holding out my pinky. 

Duff couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips. "Promise" he smiled, hooking his pinky finger around mine. 

I lowered my sunglasses to look at him and I shot him a smile that probably came across as flirtatious. Hell, maybe it was. Has he always been this hot?

Me and my boys made our way to the stage. The boys all wished us look and I definitely noticed the sympathetic looks that some of them had sent my way. I ignored Slash and didn't even give Nikki a kiss, which had become a pre-show ritual. I saw the way he looked at me. He looked ashamed. The fucking nerve. His eyes were a little red, they looked sunken in and he looked way worse than I did. He was definitely on smack right now. Just great.

I nearly tripped but Stevie steadied me, to which I shot him a smile. "Why are you plastered before our gig darling? That's not like you at all" he asked quietly. 

"I'll tell you when I'm sober. You may need to remind me though" I offered. He nodded in understanding. 

Me and the boys did our little pre-show chant and then took off for the stage. I usually turn around to blow a kiss to Nikki but this time I didn't. If I would have turned around, I would've seen Nikki walk away and not sticking around to watch my set. 

. . .

I was feeling a million times better once we wrapped up our set. Granted, it could of gone a lot smoother but that was my fault. Regardless, we still killed it. 

"You guys kicked ass out there!" Izzy grinned making us all smile a mile wide. I don't think I'll ever get sick of the feeling of performing. 

"Thanks man" Stevie smiled as we all got lost in our own conversations before Guns was scheduled to go on.

"So Mr King of Beers, where's that bottle of Jack I was promised?" I asked, looking up at the tall and ever so gorgeous man in front of me. 

Duff chuckled at my words. "I left it over at the bar for you." 

"Thanks lovely" I beamed at Duff and made my way over to the little bar off from the group. 

I made myself an incredibly strong Jack n Coke because T-Bone has been quite a bad influence on me, apparently. Stirring it all together and taking a huge gulp, I sighed in satisfaction. I felt myself smiling. Infamous did damn good tonight. 

My smile would falter once I heard an all too familiar and annoying laugh. I looked up from my drink to see Vanity and Nikki leaving Motley Crue's dressing room. My grip on my drink tightened as I watched the scene before me unfold. 

Nikki was resting against the door frame of the dressing room as Vanity had handed him a bag of what I presumed was drugs. Heroin, to be more specific. To make matters worse, she pulled him in for a searing kiss and Nikki didn't seem hesitant at all. I felt my blood run cold at the sight. 

As if she knew she was being watched, Vanity turned to face me once she stopped sucking Nikki's face. "Oh hi Maria. Sorry I missed your set" she spoke venomously. This seemed to snap Nikki out of his daze as he looked over to see me glaring at him. 

If looks could kill, he'd be six feet under right fucking now.

"Babe-" he spoke up but I cut him off. 

"Fuck off" I replied bitterly and feeling rather defeated. I knew he was too good to be true. 

I tried to walk away but Nikki caught up to me real quick. "It's not what it looks like." 

"Oh really? Dude your fuckin' fly is down, your shirt is ripped, your eyes are all glossy and red and you look like complete shit. Get away from me" I snarled. 

"Would you just listen to me?" he sighed. Oh this bitch. 

"No, cause you're full of shit and I ain't buying whatever it is you're selling" I walked faster but due to his freakishly long legs, he kept up with me easily. 

"Ria honestly she was just stopping by with some drugs, nothing else happened." Nikki spoke softly. 

"Really? Cause there's lipstick on your neck" I pointed out. 

Nikki's hand came up to his neck to wipe off lipstick that was never even there in the first place. Point proven. His eyes widened at the realization that I had caught him lying right to my face. 

"Ria listen okay? I'm a sick man and I-" 

"Damn right you are, you're sick in the head. You choose to put yourself in these fucked up situations. You choose to do drugs that are going to kill you. I want to be there for you and help you but if all you're gonna do is be an ungrateful asshole and hurt me in the process than you can just fuck off and die for all I care. Now leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled and stormed off, leaving Nikki behind me. His jaw had dropped at my words and he had no response. 

Never trust a junkie. 

. . .

A/N: Y'all that hurt me so much :(

But it had to happen sometime. Nikki was an asshole when he was a heroin addict after all. Sad but true. Cue Metallica. 

In other news, I can't believe this story is at 20k. I love you all so much. Let's get married. 

Oh, I have a serious question. Has anyone here seen the spectacular movie that is Detroit Rock City? If so, I really wanna write a fic based on it and I'm curious if anyone would be interested in reading it. Let me know! :)

Thanks again for reading and I hope you have a good day/night/week/month/life! ~

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