★ fifty nine ★

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          A month and a half had past since my infamous breakdown in the bathroom and Nikki and I were stronger than ever. I couldn't believe how well we were doing. We had the nursery set up, painted, and just looking beautiful. We got that all taken care of in two weeks after we found out the gender of our baby.

Nikki and I are going to be parents to a beautiful baby girl. 

I cannot believe how close we are to the end. I am so excited and I don't know how much longer I can wait to give birth to my girl. I can't wait to hold her in my arms and look into her beautiful brown eyes. I'm literally tearing up at the thought. AGAIN. Oh God, I'm a mess.

Tonight, we're inviting over the Crue, the boys of Infamous, and the boys of G'N'R. We're having an impromptu baby shower. Basically, everyone is showing up with baby gifts and then we're all gonna munch out on food and there will be booze for everyone that wants some. 

I won't lie, I was skeptical about buying alcohol for tonight. I don't want it to make Nikki uncomfortable or deter him from his recovery. But he said he would be fine. At least he'll have me not drinking with him. Honestly, I thought that I'd miss alcohol so much during my pregnancy but to be honest, I don't. There were a few times at the beginning where all I would want was a drink but now, I don't find myself thinking about it. Maybe I only liked alcohol so much because I was bored and miserable. Now, I'm at the happiest I've ever been. I'm marrying my best friend and we're having a baby girl. I couldn't be happier. 

"Ohhh Mr. and Mrs. Sixx, we're here!!!" I heard Stevie yell out, Jase and Tony cheering in unison. I grinned as I made my way down the stairs to find them all at the entry way, many many gifts in their hands. Our little girl was already gonna be waaaaaaaay too spoiled for her own good. 

"Well if it isn't my favourite bandmates!" I cheered, coming in for a group hug. The boys set their bags down and brought me in for the hug. 

"We're your only bandmates" Tony scoffed playfully. 

"Unless you and Nikki are gonna pull a John and Yoko?" Jase asked, eyebrows raised.

"Well if we were going to, John and Yoko didn't set the bar very high for a couples album." I sassed making them all "ohhhh" in response. I smiled. I missed my boys so very much. Hopefully we could start writing months after the birth of Nikki and I's daughter and then we could record and tour again one day soon. But for now, I get to enjoy motherhood. 

An hour or so later, the guys of Guns N Roses showed up and Crue followed suit. The party was pretty much in full swing. Nikki and I opened all the gifts for our little girl and I gushed over every single one, getting way too emotional in the process.

"God, I can't wait for you to pop that little girl out, I can't handle all your emotions Ria" Mick muttered at me making me bust out laughing. Everyone else laughed at my reaction.

We spent the rest of the night munching out, listening to records on our player, and dancing like nobody was watching. Whisky was having the time of his life, getting so much attention from all of the men and some women who kept their company. The only ones I knew were Perla and Heather. But the other women seemed fine. I guess I wasn't very insecure anymore having women around Nikki. We were stronger and on a different level than we used to be.

Speaking of Nikki, I made my way over to him. He was chilling against the wall. He welcomed me by wrapping his arm around my shoulder, bringing me into him.

"How are you feeling, babe?" I asked, making him smile softly.

"I'm doing okay. It kinda feels weird not drinking with my friends." he replied honestly. 

"I know. Well, not completely but I can empathize with that. I'm so proud of you, by the way." I beamed up at him.

"Thanks baby, I couldn't do this without you, ya know?" he leaned down and pressed a kiss on the top of my head, his grip on me a little firmer.

"I wouldn't want you to. I love you Nikki." 

"I love you too Ria." he smiled.

"And I love the both of y'all!" Tommy screamed from the kitchen, making potato pancakes like a madman. 

We laughed at the sight. Ugh, what a gang we have on our hands. Like I said, my daughter is going to be so spoiled.

. . . 

A/N: Hello there lovelies!! How are you feeling about all these updates? Overwhelmed? Good! Ugh, I missed this so fucking much you have NO idea. Well, maybe you do...

We are getting closer and closer to the end of this story. I know, I know. I don't really want it to end seeing as I just got back to it but a wise 80s hair band once labelled their tour: "all bad things must come to an end". And I agree.

Thanks again for reading, for the support, and for the constant love for my baby. Oh, and don't forget to report plagiarists. They can go fuck themselves. :) 

xo. ~

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