★ fifteen ★

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     I made my way into Crue's dressing room and sure enough, it looked like a hurricane had come through

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     I made my way into Crue's dressing room and sure enough, it looked like a hurricane had come through. I let out a sigh. "Emi?" I called out. 

"In here" she groaned from the bathroom. I grabbed a bottle of water that was sitting on a table and took it with me. Emi was bracing herself against the toilet and was paler than I had ever seen her. 

"Here," I offered the water to her, to which she thanked me and smiled slightly. "do you need help back to the couch?" 

"Honestly yeah, if you don't mind" she smiled shyly. 

"Of course girl," I smiled back. She got herself back onto her feet, and I led her back to the couch with no issues. "So the boys want me filling in for you tonight so you can get your rest. Where's the outfit you had to wear?" 

She smiled gratefully and pointed over to the skimpy outfit. I rolled my eyes at the "garments" and picked them up. "Why am I not surprised?" I sighed. 

Emi laughed. "I don't think Nikki will be able to play any songs properly tonight" she winked at me. Her and Mick had been seeing each other as of late so of course, she knew all about the shitstorm that was Nikki and I. 

"Oh shut up Emi before I change my mind and make you go out there," I smirked at her, making her flip me off. The outfit I had to wear was skimpy black shorts, fishnet tights, a Motley Crue shirt that was cut to reveal even more skin and some black heels. "hmmmm" I thought out loud.

"Uh oh I know that look," Emi spoke up. "what are you planning babe?" 

"Oh nothing" I said as innocently as I could, grabbing my sewing needle and some fabric. Emi just laughed at me and called bullshit. Rightfully so. 

. . .

I made my way back to the stage, after making sure Emi had everything she needed. I covered myself in Slash's jean jacket. All you could really see was my legs, so the fishnets and heels. I had decided to fix myself up and put on some more makeup and curl my hair. I looked more like I was ready for the stage. 

Vince was the first one to see me and he whistled rather loud, making everyone turn around and drink in my appearance. 

"Well, well, well" Axl spoke up, a smirk plastered on his face. 

"Who would've thought our little Ria could clean up so nice?" Jason spoke up, Tony and Steven playing along. I just flipped them off in the process, making them laugh.

"Why you covering up babe, nervous?" Vince asked. 

"Yeah, you could say that" a mischievous smile on my face. Tommy and Mick caught on immediately. 

"What do you plan on doing?" Mick asked. 

"Oh nothing. Just back up singing and dancing, that alright with you?" I asked, sass in full force. The Crue just chuckled at my words and nodded. We had to leave Guns and my boys. Slash pulled me close to him and planted his lips on mine. "Have fun out there" he smirked against my lips. 

"Oh I will baby, here you can have this back," I winked, handing him his jean jacket back to which he complied. He took in my whole appearance and his jaw dropped slightly. I smiled to myself and pulled him down for a kiss. "see ya after" I winked, walking away from him and making my way on stage. 

I met up with Donna and she grinned when she saw me on stage. Once she read my shirt, she began laughing her ass off. I had covered up the "Crue" with "Who?", thus the shirt read "Motley Who?". Not entirely clever, but I did the best I could in the few minutes I had. 

We danced along to the songs and I actually found myself having a lot of fun. I was making faces with Tommy the majority of the time, I made Mick laugh a few times, Vince couldn't keep his hands off me- no matter how many times I smacked him, and Nikki; he couldn't keep his eyes off me.

There was a little break for the band, that they decided to make. Vince dragged me over to the center of the stage. I gave him an odd look. "Vince, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Putting you out there" he winked at me. 

"Guys give it up for our back up singer for one night only, Miss Maria Ramos!" Vince shouted into the mic, earning some cheers. I had recognized some faces from some bar shows I had played. They even started chanting my name. I smiled and blew kisses to the crowd. "She's gonna sing something for you guys, give it to em Ria" Vince smirked, slapping my ass and heading off of the stage. 

My eyes widened slightly and Mick had brought me over one of his guitars. I smiled gratefully and a little meekly. I was so out of my element. I was used to playing to crowds of maybe 200 people maximum. There were THOUSANDS of people here. Holy shit. 

"What are we playing, Ramone?" I heard Tommy shout. I turned so I was facing him, Mick, and Nikki. 

"Misfits?" I asked, they all seemed to like that answer and looked at me for what song I would suggest. "Attitude?" They all cheered and nodded in agreement. Mick and I started off the song and I began to sing.

Attitude, you got some fucking attitude

I can't believe what you said to me
You got some attitude

Inside your feeble brain there's probably a whore
If you don't shut your mouth you're gonna feel the floor

Attitude, the one you got, oh baby
Attitude, the one you got, oh baby
Attitude, attitude

Nikki had made his way over to me and we were feeding off of each other's energy. I found myself forgetting about how much of an asshole he was to me earlier and just went with it. I loved the feeling of being on stage. I found myself belting out the lyrics right into Nikki's face and he was doing it right back.

Inside your feeble brain there's probably a whore,
If you don't shut your mouth you're gonna feel the floor

Attitude, you got some fucking attitude
(Attitude) I can't believe what you said to me
You got some attitude

Attitude, you got some fucking attitude
(Attitude) I can't believe what you said to me
You got some attitude

We finished off the song and the crowd absolutely loved it. They were cheering for us and I couldn't help the huge smile on my face. 

Nikki's face nearly mirrored mine. He was smiling too and it was a genuine one. And before I knew it, his hand reached out to bring me closer to him and his lips were on mine. 

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