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     "Thank you so fucking much ladies and gentlemen! We're a band called Infamous and we'll see ya again soon

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"Thank you so fucking much ladies and gentlemen! We're a band called Infamous and we'll see ya again soon. Guns N Roses are up next so make some fuckin' noise!" I cheered into the mic, throwing up the devil horns to the adoring crowd. Thankfully a good chunk of the crowd knew us from our bar shows and by the end of our set, we had everyone into it.

We headed off the stage to see the guys of Crue, Guns, and lots of groupies waiting for us. I pushed all the groupies out of my way, so I could get to my man. Slash went to speak but I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss, catching him off guard. He stumbled into me but then placed his hand firmly on my waist as I deepened the kiss. This earned me some wolf whistles from the peanut gallery.

We both pulled away breathlessly and Slash looked at me with a little smirk on his face. "So I take it you had a lot of fun out there?" he asked.

I nodded eagerly and couldn't help the big smile on my face. "It was incredible. But you and I are gonna have even more fun later tonight" I winked, making him laugh.

"Can't wait babe" he grinned, grabbing my ass.

"Okay there Mrs Slash, can we have our guitarist back? We're on soon" Axl chuckled.

"You mean you're ready to go play your show... on time?!" I gasped out loud, earning me a playful glare from the frontman and some snickers from his band mates.

"Ha ha, so fucking funny Ria..." he rolled his eyes. "no, that was more of a way to get you guys to stop from fucking in front of us. Sixx over there looks like he's ready to rip both your heads off." Axl pointed out.

Slash looked over in Nikki's direction but I just rolled my eyes. "Well, I'll let you guys go get ready then." I said, releasing myself from Slash's embrace. Slash however, pulled me back by my wrist and kissed me harder than he ever has before. I nearly let a moan slip out and held onto his forearm nearly for dear life.

I heard a slam and someone storm off. "For fucks sake Sixx, you better let me borrow your bass!" Duff shouted.

When he pulled away, I stared up at him with wide eyes. He just pulled his sunglasses down, shot me a wink, and pushed them back up to cover his eyes. "I'll see you later beautiful" he smiled, heading off with Axl to join the rest of the band.

I heard a loud whistle and turned around to see Tommy heading over to me, Mick and Vince in tow. "So when's the porno happening?" Tommy winked making the guys laugh and me roll my eyes with a smile.

"Is he the reason we haven't seen our best girl in so long?" Vince asked, throwing his arm around my shoulder as we all started walking back to their dressing room. I wanted to protest but there was no point. I hadn't seen them since the barbecue and even that wasn't a lot of time spent with them. Because anywhere the boys were, Nikki was close by.

"I know, I'm awful. I'm sorry boys" I sighed. I did feel bad for ditching them just because I couldn't deal with Nikki. That shit had to change asap.

"It's alright doll, we get what's going on." Tommy replied with a small smile. This made me look at him in confusion.

"Ever since you've been spending time with Slash, Sixx has been getting a little out of hand," Vince clarified. "I'm trying to think of a time where he wasn't stoned recently. But it's worse than usual. I think he's been experimenting." he added. My eyes widened even though I tried to seem like I wasn't fazed. I was hoping he'd just drop the heroin eventually but that doesn't seem to be an option for him anytime soon.

"Have any of you talked to him about it?" I asked the group. They all looked at me with nearly identical expressions. "Right, that was a stupid question. You guys act like you care but you never actually take the first step to fix things. Fuckin' men, ugh" I nearly growled out, walking away from them.

But someone grabbed my wrist to turn me around and I was surprised to see that it was Mick. And that was when I knew how serious this shit was.

"Ria, you know you're the only one who can and will ever get through to him. You may hate him right now but can you please do this for us?" Mick asked, pleading eyes and all.

"Why would he talk to me? We just had a fight like not even two hours ago cause he felt the need to push my buttons. We can't be in the same room without tearing each other apart."

Mick shook his head with a smile. "He only did that to get you riled up and angry so that you would forget all about your nerves going into the show. He may have a really fucked up way of showing it, but that guy cares about you a whole lot."

My jaw nearly dropped at Mick's words as Tommy and Vince looked at me with knowing grins. They all had been rooting for Sixx and I to get together for a while now. But the sooner we all realized that just wasn't going to happen, the better.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration and then let out a sigh. "Alright, fine. I guess I owe him that much then."

"Thanks Ramone, you're the best" Tommy cheered wrapping his arms around me from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I know T-Bone, I know" I rolled my eyes with a smile making the boys laugh. I took off in pursuit of the boys dressing room.

I was right outside the door when I took a deep breath and then exhaled. I could do this. It's just Nikki after all.

But when I opened the door, it wasn't just Nikki. It was Nikki with a girl under him on the couch, legs spread and moaning loudly like she was a porn star. Nikki's eyes looked up and he locked eyes with me, a sick smile on his face. He kept fucking the broad and remaining eye contact with me as he did it. All with a smug look on his face. Fuck this guy.

But I took a look at his eyes, and the sight actually scared me. They were red, his pupils were huge, the bags under his eyes very dark in contrast to his extremely pale skin.

This wasn't Nikki. Not the Nikki, I thought I knew anyway. "Fuck this" I let out a sigh and left the dressing room, making sure to slam the door as I did.

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