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 Four Months Later

          Today was the day. I never thought this day would come, as cliche as that sounds. But it's true when it comes to Nikki and I's history over the years. But that's simply all it is, history. Because today was our wedding day.

Everyone was here. Crue, Guns, and Infamous. Our one big dysfunctional family as well as their plus ones. I was sitting in the bathroom off of Nikki and I's bedroom as Perla did my hair and Emi did the finishing touches on my makeup. Even though Mick and her were no longer together, Emi became like a sister to me, and I really wanted her to be apart of my special day. Mick understood and I was very thankful for that. 

Donna had a crying Audrey in her arms, trying her best to sooth her until I could finally get up from the chair. I could hear her muttering under her breath "God damn, I am never having kids" which made me chuckle to myself. 

As for the boys, they were outside setting everything up for the ceremony that was set to start in a little less than an hour. I was nervous yet intrigued to see what those children in grown adult men bodies could create for our ceremony. 

The thought alone made me smile, causing Emi to groan. "Babe, stop smiling for a sec. I'm doing your lipstick." 

"Shit, sorry" I muttered, relaxing my face. 

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't give you a hard time for smiling. I'm nervous about doing your makeup, that's all. But I'm almost done." Emi smiled softly. I gave her a look of understanding. 

"It's gonna look amazing, don't even fret Emi" I tried to motivate her and then relaxed my face so that she could complete the finishing touches. I had told her I wanted a softened smokey eye look with a tight black waterlined eyeliner, my lashes done, a bit of foundation and concealer, blush, and a red lipstick. 

Once I got to see the results, I knew that I had enlisted the help of the right woman. "Emi, I look amazing!" 

"Well duh, have you seen yourself?! But thank you, I'm glad you like it" I saw Emi smile as I looked at her handy work in the mirror. Emi took over taking care of Audrey so Donna could help me get my hair out of its curlers and finish up my hair for me. Another fifteen minutes, and I was finally ready to get into my wedding dress. 

In retrospect, was my dress ridiculous? One hundred percent

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In retrospect, was my dress ridiculous? One hundred percent. But so was the majority of things in the 80s, so it fit right in. 

Once Emi and Donna touched themselves up and made sure their dresses looked great, us and Audrey made our way down stairs. Audrey was going to be the flower girl. She was wearing a cute lavender coloured dress and had a little basket of flowers. Were we expecting her to actually hold the basket? Not really. But Nikki had already taken a few photos of her holding them so at least we have some cute souvenir photos.

I could hear some music playing outside as I took a peak. Donna was heading out to let everyone know it was time. The groomsmen were getting in their place: Mick, Tommy, and Vince. I just had Donna and Emi as my bridesmaid but Audrey could stand with them. I saw Emi walking down the aisle, Audrey in her arms as she coaxed my daughter to throw some flower petals. It seemed to be somewhat working. That was when I noticed our dog Whisky, walking beside the girls. He had what appeared to be Nikki and I's wedding rings tied into place on his collar. I couldn't help but laugh softly at that. 

Once everyone was in position, and the officiant for our wedding, none other than Doc himself, beckoned me down the aisle. 

With roses in my hand, I made my way down the aisle, taking it all in. All the faces looking and smiling at me. My friends and my new family were here and that's what mattered to me. Was this the picture perfect wedding? Not even close, to most people's standards. But it was ours. And I was getting to marry my best friend. I was in heaven.

I took in all of Nikki's features. His suit was sharp. His hair, a little less messy but just the way I liked it. He had shaved any stubble and fuck, did he ever look beautiful.

As I made it to my spot, Nikki held out his hand for me to take, a smile on his face and some tears in his eyes. I took his hand and used my other to wipe away his tears. He laughed at this gesture and shot me a look that said "thank you".

"You look so fucking beautiful" Nikki murmured as we took each other's hands. 

"So do you, my love" I whispered back, making him grin.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today as these two incredible people declare their love for each other, in holy matrimony." Doc began. I felt Nikki's grip tighten slightly in excitement. 

"Nikki and Maria have been through quite a lot together. And that is the understatement of all time," this got quite a few laughs. "But what we have all witnessed, is a true testament of love. They always find their way back to each other and support each other. It surely hasn't been easy, given the lifestyle we all live, but I guess it's true that nothing worth having is ever easy." 

Before I knew it, it was time for our speeches. Nikki decided to go first.

"Ria, to get to the point, I love you. You are my best friend, my soulmate, and my literal saviour. I wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for you and I hope you know that. I haven't been easy to love, I've been a pain in your ass and most likely still will be for the rest of our days. But I'll also spend those days making sure that you are loved, cared for, and reminded all the time just how important you are, not only to me but to our beautiful little girl and everyone else. Thank you for being my second chance at life, I love you so much, Mrs. Sixx." Nikki finished and I was trying my best to keep it together but I could feel my eyes watering up.

"Nikki, I honestly never thought we would end up here. But there is nowhere I would rather be than by your side. You've become my best friend and given me such a beautiful life already. It's been a tough road for us sometimes but look at how far we have come together. I could not be happier than this. I am so proud of the man you have become as well as the father you have become for Audrey. While there is no denying the tough past, I'm only looking to the future we have yet to create for ourselves and our family. I'll love you forever and ever, in this life, and the next." 

Once our speeches were done, Doc removed the rings from Whisky's collar and handed them to Nikki and I. We exchanged rings, with the biggest smiles on our faces. He pulled me in for a quick kiss. 

"Ladies and Gentleman, I introduce to you for the first time: Mr. and Mrs. Sixx!" Doc exclaimed, Nikki interlocked his fingers with mine and raised our hands up, causing everyone to cheer, stand, and clap. Emi passed Audrey to me and I held her on my side, as we walked up the aisle towards our house, Whisky in tow. 

"Did we really just do that?" Nikki asked in excitement.

"You bet your ass we did. I love you, husband" I smiled up at him. 

"And I love you, my wife." He smiled back and leaned down to capture my lips with his. 

. . .

A/N: Well shit. Hello again.

I know, I know this took waaaaay too long and I once again apologize. Life hasn't been kind or slow for a while and I've finally found a bit of a groove to get back to writing. So have the sappy wedding chapter, I'm glad I finally got to write this. 

Sadly, there is only one chapter left of this book. But thank you to everyone for making Wild Side my number one read and rated book ever. What a ride this book has been, and I've loved every minute of it.

I hope you're all well. Thanks for reading!


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