★ eight ★

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     We were back at the hotel, kickin' it in Motley's penthouse room. There were drinks, drugs, and chicks everywhere. Nothing out of the ordinary, I guess. 

"So Ria," Izzy spoke up. "when do we get to hear you and your boys play?" earning some "yeah"s from the peanut gallery. 

"Well that's actually why we gathered you guys all out here tonight," Vince added. "we want both you guys to come on tour with us" 

Jason spit out his drink at Vince's words and the joint I was about to light, fell out of my mouth as my jaw dropped. Slash caught the joint immediately, as I was currently sitting on his lap. 

"Are you serious?!" Tony asked. 

"Hell yeah man, so you guys in?" Tommy asked. 

My band mates all looked over at me, causing everyone to look at me. "Uhm, fuck yeah we're in!" I smiled earning some cheers. 

"This means you actually gotta come up with a band name then, huh?" Slash poked me, making me laugh. 

"Details baby, details" I replied, signalling for the joint. He shook his head no and brought it to his own lips. I rolled my eyes and lit the joint for him and he took a huge drag. He inhaled the smoke and held it for a moment, gesturing for me to lean forward and closer to him. I did and then he brought me even closer by wrapping his arm around me. As he began to exhale I realized he wanted me to inhale the smoke from his mouth. I leaned in and took all the smoke from him and inhaled for a moment. When I exhaled, I saw him smiling at me. 

"Get a fucking room" Axl hollered making me laugh. 

"Says the dude who's practically naked" I fired back at the man who was only wearing his boxers and his head band. He in return gestured for me to "suck it". I couldn't help but laugh. 

Once we finished up the joint, I asked Slash if he wanted another drink. "Oh you don't have to grab me one babe, I can get them." he smiled. I nearly died right there, he's cute. 

"Nah it's okay, I'll grab this round" I winked leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. He turned at the last second and made our lips connect. I laughed as I pulled away. 

As I walked away I heard Duff speak to Slash. "Hey if we stop in Vegas are you two lovebirds gonna get hitched?" to which Slash replied "shut the fuck up you dork." I shook my head with a laugh. 

I was in the other room, where the kitchenette was and I grabbed a new bottle of Jack and some Coke to make our drinks. I heard someone walk into the room but I chose to ignore it cause I had a good feeling exactly who it was. 

"I thought I was clear that I didn't like sharing what is mine" I heard Nikki speak. 

Rolling my eyes, I continued making the drinks. "And I thought I was clear when I said I don't belong to anyone." 

He made his was next to me and leaned against the counter, watching me intently. "I sent Vanity home, alright? So you can stop this whole Slash thing now." 

I couldn't help but laugh at his logic that wasn't logic at all. "This whole Slash thing? I'm just getting to know the guy, chill out. And did you really think that sending your girlfriend away would work? That I'd just come crawling back to you or something?" I asked, genuinely curious. I wanted to know how this idiot's brain worked. 

"Well yeah, kinda," he muttered. "you didn't seem to have an issue the other night." 

I glared at him. "That was different, we were wasted and high as hell. And I don't even remember it." 

"Well we're getting wasted and high now. And don't even lie to me, I know you remember it." Nikki nearly growled at me, tracing the mark he left on my collarbone. I flinched at his touch, making him smirk. 

"I'm glad my effect on you hasn't gone away." he purred, inching closer and closer to me. 

"I don't get you at all" I sighed, stepping away from him to grab the drinks. 

"What's there to get? I just wanna have some fun" Nikki replied. 

"Yeah? Well there's a fuck ton of groupies here, go pick one" I sassed, grabbing the drinks and heading back out to the "living room" of the hotel room. 

I made my way back over to Slash and he smiled up at me. "Thanks Ria" he said, taking his drink from my hand. 

"No worries" I smiled, sitting with him. We "cheers"ed and took big swigs from our drinks. As we got lost in our own conversation, Nikki came over to walk past us. "Excuse me!" he yelled obnoxiously, swinging his hand to knock my drink out of my hand and spill it all over me and Slash. 

"Son of a bitch!" I shouted, standing up. 

"You okay?" Slash asked, standing up with me. 

"Y-yeah, I'm alright. Just gonna have to go change." I sighed. I really liked this dress. I looked over to see Nikki with two girls hanging off of him. He had a shit eating grin on his face. What an asshole. Then an idea struck me and I smiled up at Slash. "wanna come with me? My room's only a few floors down" I purred. 

His eyes widened slightly and he cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah. I'd love to." he smiled at me. 

"Well come on" I smiled taking his hand in mine. Steven Adler noticed and let out a loud whistle as he saw us leaving. 

"Don't be a fool, wrap your tool!" Tony shouted, earning some laughs. I smiled over my shoulder. I saw Nikki and his smile was replaced with a snarl and a glare. I smirked in victory at him and blew him a kiss, leaving with Slash to my room. 

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