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     So many people had made their way into Slash and I's hotel room and I heard the bathroom door bust open

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     So many people had made their way into Slash and I's hotel room and I heard the bathroom door bust open. I didn't move from my spot and still had Nikki in my arms. I wasn't crying anymore, at least I didn't think I was. I was however, shaking like crazy. 

I heard the shower tap get turned off and saw some people in my peripheral vision. "Ma'am? Can you please stand up so we can get a look at him?" a paramedic asked me. 

I felt my hold on Nikki tighten on instinct but I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. "Come on Ramone, I got you babe"I heard Tommy say softly. I looked up at him through my mess of hair and nodded at his words. I retracted from Nikki and Tommy picked me up effortlessly, carrying me bridal style out of the bathroom and setting me on the bed. The groupies were long gone at this point. 

"Shit Ria, are you alright?" I heard Jason ask. When I didn't react, he let out a sigh and muttered that he was going to grab me some towels to dry off. Stevie went with him. 

Vince had crouched down in front of me and moved all of my wet hair out of my face, having me be able to see everyone that was in our room. It was everybody except for Jason and Stevie who were grabbing me towels and Nikki who was possibly dead in my bathroom. 

That thought triggered me and I brought my hands up to my face and let the tears just fall. I wasn't a very emotional person to begin with so this was probably a lot for the guys to take in but they didn't falter for a second. I felt Tommy on me in an instant, pulling me up and into a bear hug. Vince was next and even Mick had caved in and hugged me as well. My band mates followed suite and so did GNR. 

When we all pulled away, Mick said he was going to go check with the paramedics on what was going on. I had only just realized that Doc was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, seeing whatever was going on in the bathroom. 

Slash had made his way over to me with the most guilty expression I had ever seen. "I'm so sorry Ria this is all my fault" he admitted. 

"What are you talking about? This was bound to happen eventually. He's been doing smack for a while now." I sighed. There was no point in hiding it now. 

"He said something about trying to quit. He wanted to quit for you. But the more we started hanging out, the more we did it. I've been supplying him with the drugs for a while now" Slash nearly whispered. 

Those words broke me and the room had gone completely silent. Everyone was looking at me waiting on what my reaction would be. Even Doc had taken an interest. 

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. And then in the blink of an eye, I had tackled Slash onto the bed and was straddling him. Throwing as many punches as I could before someone would inevitably rip me off of him. 

"You stupid motherfucker! How could you fucking do that? You piece of shit! I oughta fucking kill you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Tommy had tried to pry me off of Slash but I swung my hand and slapped him away. It took Vince, Tommy, Jason, Stevie, and Tony to get me off of Slash and even then I was still thrashing around, screaming profanities, and swinging my fists. 

"Hey!" Doc whistled and got all of our attention. "He's breathing. They're gonna move him to the bed." he announced. 

Sure enough, Nikki had been brought in and was now laying on my bed. His chest was rising and falling slowly. That sight alone had calmed me down greatly. 

"You gonna be alright with him staying in here for the rest of the night?" Doc asked me once I calmed down. 

"Yeah, I'll call you if anything changes for some reason" I mumbled. He smiled softly at me, pulled me in for a quick hug, and exited the room. The boys of GNR decided to leave to, the paramedics in tow to clean up Slash. 

Crue and Infamous decided to head out as well, making sure I'd promise to let them know on an update on Nikki as soon as possible. When I closed the door behind them, I rested my head against it and let out a huge sigh. "Fuckin' hell" I muttered out loud. 

"Maria?" I heard Nikki croak out. I turned to see his beautiful soft green eyes staring at me. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"Are you gonna just stand there or are you gonna come over and cuddle me?" he asked with a little smirk on his face. 

I shook my head with a laugh. "With what you just pulled, I oughta kill you myself." I said as I walked over, slipping off my shoes and jacket, as I crawled onto the bed. 

"That's the way I wanna go out" he replied, no smirk on his face. 

"Please don't ever do that to me again. I'll help you get clean. Just don't ever try to leave me like that ever again. I don't think I could go on without you" I admitted, my voice cracking as the thought of Nikki dead was in my mind. 

Nikki wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him, my head now resting on his chest. "I'm not like the everybody else. You can't get rid of me that easily" he spoke and I could tell he was smiling. He had echoed my words from the last time I found him strung out in my hotel room. I couldn't believe he remembered. 

I looked up at him to find him already staring at me. Without hesitation, I leaned up and pressed my lips to his. He held me in place, as if I would even dare to move away at this point. 

And it scared me to death just how right it felt to be in that moment with Nikki. 

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