★ sixxteen ★

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     I was the first one to pull away from the kiss and I stared at Nikki in shock

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     I was the first one to pull away from the kiss and I stared at Nikki in shock. Why was he doing this? I was getting exhausted with his nearly bipolar attitude at this point. 

The crowd was still cheering so loud and while I wanted to smile at the feeling of performing for thousands of people and having them actually like it, that moment was tainted by Nikki. 

I glared at Nikki and the next second, I was smiling at the crowd. It was probably a scary site to see me switch up like that so quickly. "Thank you San Diego!" I shouted into the microphone and walked over to hand off Mick's guitar to his guitar tech. 

Vince had made his way back on stage and the boys were about to start another song. 

"Ramone! You good?" Tommy called to me. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders with a smile. No I wasn't 'good'. I was humiliated. I didn't even want to look at Slash right now. I had just spent time convincing him that nothing was going on between Nikki and I and he goes and pulls this shit. 

"Alright this next one sums up the only three things that Motley Crue cares about and that's... Girls, Girls, Girls." he smiled, making the crowd erupt again. They had just dropped this single along with Wild Side from their new album that was coming out next month. 

Donna and I had separated to opposite sides of the stage for this one. I was singing back to the crowd and they were getting real into it. One girl even threw her bra at me. I laughed out loud as I swung it around by its strap for a moment before resting it on the mic stand. I had finally looked over to side stage to see G'N'R and my band all laughing at the sight. Well, except Slash. Oh boy. 

Vince had dragged out a chair for him to sit down on. He had beckoned Donna and I over to him. Oh god, he was expecting a lap dance. 

Then an idea came to mind. I signaled Mick's tech to drag out another chair on stage. As he did this, Nikki grinned at me but I paid him no mind. Instead I made my way over to the side stage. Vince thought I was coming over to him and I reached out for me. I moved his arm out of the way and said "maybe next time, baby" with a playful wink. He laughed at this and yelled "worth a shot!" 

I made my way over to Slash and held my hand out for him to take. Once the group connected the dots, most of their jaws dropped once they realized what I was about to do. Slash stared at me, not moving. 

"Slash if you don't go with her, I will!" Axl spoke up, snapping Slash out of his daze. He took my hand and let me lead him out on stage. Once the fans saw who I had with me, they were screaming even louder before. I turned to see Slash smiling at the recognition. 

I lead him over to the chair and nudged him to sit down. I glanced over at Nikki and sure enough he was looking rather pissed. The grip he had on the neck of his bass looked painful. 

Brushing him off, I pushed my nerves aside and gave Slash a lap dance. His jaw dropped slightly, I guess he didn't think I was actually going to do it. I had never done this before but it was actually rather easy to do to this song. I ground my hips down against Slash and his hands found their way to my hips to keep me close to him. I smiled down at him, he finally was smiling back at me. 

Vince was still singing while getting a lap dance on stage by Donna and had held his fist out to Slash, seeing their chairs were fairly close. Slash's fist met his as the two fist bumped, making me laugh slightly. 

Crue wrapped up the song and before I went to get up off of Slash, I leaned down and kissed him, rather hard. It definitely took him by surprise, but he kissed me back almost immediately. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and he kissed me back with just as much passion.

When we pulled away, I pulled off his sunglasses so I could really look at him. His eyes were a little wild, his breathing was a little shallow, and his skin was flushed. Or maybe it was the lighting that had me seeing that. Either way, he looked hot. 

"You're fucking incredible" Slash spoke up.

"Thanks, just always trying to keep you guessing" I smiled, making him laugh.

"I have no problems with that if this is what I get out of it" he admitted, making me slap his shoulder playfully. I gave him one last kiss and removed myself from his lap. 

As Slash was exiting the stage, Vince brought him over to him. "You fuckers know Slash right?" The crowd cheered, making him grin. I grabbed the chair he was in and took it back over to the side stage to hand off to a roadie. "Well him and Guns N Roses will be joining us on our next tour and we WILL be coming right back here, would do ya say?!" he shouted, earning more deafening screams from the crowd. 

When I made my way back to the stage, I felt a firm grip around my arm, pulling me back and causing me stumble into someone. It was Nikki. 

"You think that shit was cute, don't you?" he snarled at me. 

"I don't know what you're talking about" I replied, trying to get past him. But he wasn't having it. 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You don't wanna play this game with me sweetheart, it won't end well." I couldn't tell if he was trying to intimidate me or if he was actually threatening me. Nikki Sixx was one confusing man. 

I got myself out of his embrace and looked up at him in defiance. "You don't scare me, Nikki." 

We both knew that was a lie. 

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