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     I woke up the next morning in a bed that wasn't mine

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I woke up the next morning in a bed that wasn't mine. If that wasn't bad enough, I had an incredibly pounding headache and under all the blankets I was completely naked.

Oh for fuck sake, Ria. You should be better than this.

Finally deciding to bite the bullet, I opened my eyes and let them roam around the room. I sat up slightly, making sure the sheets covered my upper body.

Whoever's bedroom I was in, it most definitely was not Nikki's. Cause it was actually relatively clean. It was almost impressive.

But before I could dwell on that any longer, the bathroom door opened and out came the culprit: Duff.

Oh shit.

"Well good morning Ria" Duff smirked subtly as he went over to his mini bar to grab only what I presumed to be more vodka.

"H-hey Duff" I muttered. I had an uneasy feeling in my gut.

"Hey relax there babe. We didn't do nothing." Duff smiled softly at me as he made his way back to the bed.

I looked up at him to see if he was telling the truth. His eyes were soft behind the lion's mane of hair he had going on. I don't think he's lying.

"And yet, I'm naked...?" I asked.

Duff let out a chuckle. "Well, remember when you told Axl and I about how you'd probably fuck any guy at your absolute drunk limit? Well you weren't lying and we discovered that limit last night."

"Oh fuck" I let out a sigh and covered my face with my hands. Duff's laughs echoing in my ears.

"Hey, hey, relax babe," Duff stopped laughing as he gently pulled my hands away from my face, making me look at him. "while I have to admit that you are drop dead gorgeous, I'd feel like an absolute dick for taking advantage of you like that" he admitted making me smile up at him.

"Well thank you, Duff. That's awfully sweet of you" I beamed. This made him smile back, and his tongue was poking through. What a cutie.

"Meh, I try from time to time," he winked. "but I also figured you've got enough shit to deal with right now between Sixx and Slash." Duff added.

I groaned. "Well thanks for reminding me about that bullshit"

"Shit, I'm sorry. Well Slash is probably the easier part of the problem. He feels bad for whatever he said to you so if you just find him, he'll probably apologize to you on his hands and knees" Duff admitted.

"Well I don't really want that. I just want us to start over and be friends again" I admitted, taking a swig from the bottle of vodka that Duff was holding.

"Well that's good to hear cause he'd definitely like that" he grinned, making me smile.

We spent an hour or so just hanging out before I decided to clean myself up, get dressed, and get back to my hotel room that I was dreading incredibly. I was sharing it with Nikki and I really didn't want to see him. At all.

Well, here we go.

. . .

I was approaching the hotel room as slowly as humanly possible. I really, really, really did not want to do this. What I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and die.

I heard someone let out a whistle down the hall and turned on instinct. It was some tall and somewhat lanky guy with brown hair who I didn't recognize at all.

"Yo, you're Sixx's broad, right?" the sleazy man asked as he made his way closer to me.

"And who the fuck are you?" I snarled, making him smirk slightly. Gross.

"Name's Jason, I'm his dealer. I can't find him anywhere so why don't you give these to your boy for me. I'll collect the payment next time he comes calling," he chuckled. "yeah I can see why he brags about you alright" Jason not so subtly checked me out making me let out a sigh of disgusted.

"Whatever, asshole" I snagged the bag of drugs from his grip and shoved the card key in my hotel room door and slammed it shut behind me.

I flipped the bag upside down and dumped the contents of it on the bed. I rolled my eyes at the sight. I really shouldn't have expected anything else at this point.

The longer I stared at it, the more the voice in the back of my head was getting to me. What's so good about this stuff that Nikki picks it over you?

Fuck it.

I scooped up the stuff and made my way into the bathroom. Taking a seat on the bathroom floor I decided to get right down to business. I remembered reading a book about a gang of heroin addicts so I just used the way they described it to figure out how to shoot up these filthy drugs.

The second I injected the heroin into my bloodstream, I let out a sigh and leaned my head back against the wall. It only took me a matter of seconds to regret my immediate decision. Scrambling forward, I practically puked my guts out into the toilet.

"Fuckin' shit" I groaned once I was finally done.

Maybe I did it wrong?

Observing the drugs, I decided to do it again. I was a little more careful this time around and it felt a million times better than my first attempt.

Wow. No wonder Nikki digs this shit. I feel great!

I'm not sure how long I was hanging out in the bathroom and I didn't really care. My anxiety was going away and the knots in my stomach were no longer there.

"Maria?" I heard a familiar voice call out. Nikki?

"Maria's not here right noooowwww" I slurred out, giggling shortly after.

"Ria?" That was definitely Nikki. I heard him open the bathroom door. "I just ran into Jason and he said he gave you my drugs and I'm just wondering where they are..." Nikki's voice was cut short as he stopped in his tracks, staring at me.

"Oh yeah. They're in my bloodstream" I grinned up at him, through my mess of hair.

"Maria, what the fuck?!" he shouted, taking in the scenery of our bathroom. "What the fuck did you do?!" his voice was booming now.

All I did was giggle and then shortly after, pass out.

. . .

A/N: well fuck. It's about to get even crazier from here on out. Buckle up fuckers.

Thanks so much for the support, love, and feedback on this story. It's almost at 30k and I wanna cry tears of joy. Thanks again~

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