★ sixxty seven ★

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       It was such an incredible feeling, like time had just stopped. Like this was the exact moment I was meant to be in. That all the struggles had been worth it. 

After about a two hour journey, we had rolled up to the rehabilitation center. It had felt like the longest two hours of my life, I was so incredibly excited that the journey was over. Now it was time to reunite with the love of my life. Reunite in every single imaginable way. 

I was grateful as hell that Mick took the liberty to book us hotel rooms in the city. I don't think I'd be able to wait much longer. It's been over a year okay, give me a break.

Audrey was cooing as we pulled in to our parking spot. I smiled softly at her through the rearview mirror. She may not understand everything that is going on but one thing is for sure, she misses her daddy like crazy.

I cut the ignition and got out of the car. I walked around the back to open Audrey's door and let her out of her car seat. She was clapping her hands and bouncing her feet slightly in excitement. "I know baby, I'm excited too!" I smiled. 

The Crue boys made their way over to Audrey and I. Tommy had opened the trunk for me and grabbed Audrey's diaper bag as well as my purse and put them both over each of his shoulders. While all the boys adored Audrey, it was very obvious that Tommy's adoration was on a whole different level. He cherished his time with Audrey and had come to see us the most during Crue's off time. Tommy even had confided in me that meeting Audrey and spending all the time he has with her really made him want to be a dad. 

Once we had everything, we made our way to the center to sign out Nikki from rehab, for good. I couldn't be more excited and proud. He did it. All by himself. I just couldn't wait to hug him and tell him how proud I was.

As we walked in to the center, all I could focus on was the gorgeous man waiting by the front desk. He looked over and smiled sheepishly at all of us, raising his hand to wave. I took Audrey's tiny and delicate hand in mine and lead her over to her father. Well, it was more or less her leading me. She was smiling so big and looked at Nikki with so much love, I saw his eyes getting a little teary at the sight. 

That was the confirmation in my mind  that I was in fact very much in love with Nikki Sixx.

Audrey and I made our way over to him and Nikki crouched down to pick Audrey up in his arms and hug her tightly against him. "Hi sweetheart" he cooed as Audrey giggled loudly in excitement as she was now reunited with her daddy. I nearly burst out into tears right then and there. 

"And hello to you gorgeous" Nikki purred in my ear as he pulled me into his left side for a hug. I kissed him on the cheek. 

"Hey yourself" I smiled up at him. 

I read over the paperwork that was thrusted in front of me and then signed it all, securing Nikki's freedom from this place. He did it. 

As we were all walking out together Nikki took my hand in his, interlocking his fingers with mine. He was holding Audrey securely with his right arm, her resting against his side and playing with his hair. 

The guys were singing Nikki's praises, each one of them taking turns to let him know that they were seriously proud of him for doing this and getting himself clean. Nikki was grinning like crazy and you could see it in his face just how much he was feeling the love. He was glowing. He looked so different, in the best possible way. 

"We'll see ya at the hotel! Audrey, I hope you're ready to party!!" Tommy exclaimed childishly making me shake my head laughing. Audrey just bounced in Nikki's arms in response, staring at her uncle Tommy. 

Nikki got Audrey all situated in her car seat but had me check it just to make sure he had done it right. When I nodded at his work, he grinned, placed a kiss on Audrey's forehead and then closed the door. We both made our way around to the front of my car but as I opened the driver side door, Nikki gently put his arm out in front to block me from getting in. I stared up at him confused but he just smiled at me. 

Then I noticed that he was fumbling with his pocket and looked at me, looking a little nervous. He wet his lips before he spoke. "Can we try this again?" 

"Try what again?" I asked. 

And then he got down on one knee.

"Will you marry me? Again?" 

I laughed slightly at him. "Of course." I nodded eagerly. He smiled wide up at me and put the ring he had kept all this time back where it belonged. And then I heard a click of a camera. I looked over and saw Mick taking our picture as Tommy and Vince cheered loud and obnoxiously. 

I was over the moon. 

. . .

A/N: Well, that took me longer than I had wanted. My bad.

School and work are kicking my ass but I hope you all enjoy this cute lil chapter. This is your heads up that the next chapter will include smut :) 

Thanks for reading and I'll see ya in the next one. xo. ~

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