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     We were now on the second week of the tour and things were feeling a lot better

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     We were now on the second week of the tour and things were feeling a lot better. My boys and I had made up and we were better than ever. Nikki even apologized for snapping on the guys but they just laughed. "It just proved to us that you're actually serious about her, that's all" Jason smirked, making us all laugh. Things were going great all around. Well, almost. 

I can't remember the last time I had actually hung out with the boys of GNR. I think the last time I had actually talked to them was when I attempted to beat the shit out of Slash for supplying Nikki with smack. Speaking of, I was still dreading having to talk to him about quitting it all together. I have a hunch that he's still doing it, just not as much. It's a start I guess.

But even still, I needed the real Nikki. And we're getting there, but Sikki has got to go. 

I got up from my seat on the couch on Crue's bus and decided I was gonna go find the boys of GNR. 

"Where ya off to, princess?" Vince asked, the first one to notice I was leaving. He caught everyone else's attention.

"Just for a walk, that alright with you?" I asked with a smirk. 

"I guess. I'll miss youuuuu" he dragged out the word making me roll my eyes with a smile. 

"I'll miss ya too Vinny, you goddamn freak" I smiled sweetly making him laugh in response. 

I waved to Tommy and Mick and Nikki well, he was wrapped up in his writing. He was scribbling like a mad man and it didn't even look like real words. I shrugged at the sight and just made my way off the bus. 

Walking around outside I made my way past various crew members, groupies, and familiar faces. I saw my boys in Infamous and they all looked like they were back to normal seeing as they were all laughing and pulling a prank on Doc, better known as Motley's manager. I shook my head as I laughed at the sight. Boys.

Steven was the first guy of the band that I saw and he jumped up from his seat. "Ria! I've missed you!" he grinned, pulling me in for a bear hug of sorts. 

"I've missed ya too, Popcorn" I laughed, using his nickname that I had just discovered. He laughed at the use of his nickname as well.

The rest of the guys were making their way over to Steven and I. I guess they didn't realize I'd be hanging around their bus cause when they all saw me, they looked a little surprised. But they still shot me smiles, grins, and smirks. Well, except for Slash of course. I couldn't see the look in his eyes but he did appear tense as hell.

"Well well sugar, we didn't think we were ever gonna see ya again" Axl spoke up. Duff nudged him in the ribs making him let out a groan at the contact. 

"Awe come on, you know I can't stay away from you babes" I winked making them all lighten up and laugh. Everyone but Slash, of course. 

"Come to beat up my guitarist some more?" Axl asked with a smirk, pushing Slash closer in my direction. 

"Nah, that's all out of my system" I admitted. This seemed to be a relief to everyone but Axl. He's odd that way.

"Boring" Axl groaned dramatically making me roll my eyes with a smile. 

I spent a while longer catching up with the guys and I felt less stressed because of it. I did miss them, I consider them good friends of mine. They were getting ready to head into the venue to do their soundcheck real quick and not so discreetly left Slash and I alone. 

"We may as well get this over with" I let out a sigh after a long awkward silence between us. 

"And what's that? Pretend to be civil for everyone else's sake?" Slash asked, sounded a little agitated. 

"If that's what you want" I offered. 'The less drama, the better' is my personal philosophy. 

"What I want clearly doesn't matter to you" Slash retorted making me roll my eyes at his childish response. 

"And what does that mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him in the process.

"The second I make a mistake you go running back to Sixx. He's got you wrapped around his finger and it's fucking sad and pathetic." He raised his voice slightly.

"Oh spare me Slash. You cheated on me and who knows how many times you did before I caught you! Did you expect me to just stay with you?" I snapped back.

"Are you seriously talking down to me right now? You were fucking Nikki while he was with Vanity! Hell, he's still with Vanity! He's still seeing those groupies. What the fuck makes you think you're so special that he'd give up his ways?" 

I went to yell right back at Slash but I just couldn't. No words would come out. I can't believe it just dawned on me now. 

Nikki never said that he wasn't seeing Vanity anymore. And he may still be seeing groupies. I mean hell, Tommy's with Heather and he still hangs around those sluts. And Vince is no better. As for Mick, well, he's got Emi and is incredibly faithful so bless him for that.

Slash was right. What the fuck makes me so special that Nikki would change? 

"You're uhm... I guess you're right," I barely got the words out. "excuse me" I muttered, walking past Slash to be alone. 

"Ria wait I- I didn't mean it. Come on, I was just upset" Slash called. 

I shook my head and kept walking in pursuit of my bus, not letting any tears spill out until I made it there and made sure I was completely alone.

. . .

A/N: Yikes that got sad, huh? My bad. Hopefully you still enjoyed it! 

I've been getting lots of comments and messages about this story and I can't thank you guys enough. I love to write and I've always been self-conscious about it but you guys are so kind and seem to REALLY like this book so again: THANK YOU ♥

Also, did I really go out of my way to buy another copy of The Heroin Diaries simply because it's the 10 year anniversary edition?


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Duh. I'm fucking trash.  And I love supporting my man (even though he isn't aware that he's my man) as well as a great cause.

Alright that's about it, thanks for reading and I will try to update again soon! :)

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