★ twenty sixx ★

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     I woke up the next morning to Nikki pulling me even closer to his body than before

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     I woke up the next morning to Nikki pulling me even closer to his body than before. I don't even remember when we finally fell asleep. 

"Good morning Ria" he spoke up and wow I forgot how hot his morning voice sounds. 

"Good morning Nikki" I replied, smiling softly as I snuggled more into him. 

We laid there for a while in complete silence. It was incredibly peaceful and was probably the most relaxed I have ever been. 

"Is it true that you're heading home for a few days?" Nikki asked once he was finally more awake. 

"Who told you that?" I asked, playing with his fingers that were resting on his stomach. 

"I overheard your boys talking about when they were gonna pick you up for the next leg of the tour." he replied, intertwining our fingers. I smiled at the sight. 

"Oh. Well yeah, it was the plan to go home for a few days." 

"And it's not anymore?" he asked making me look up at him to find him staring intently at me. 

"Well, I don't know. I'd feel better if I stayed with you. You really scared me man." I heard my voice crack slightly and I looked away from Nikki. I really didn't want to cry again. 

"I'm sorry baby. If I would've known how much it would mess you up, I wouldn't have done it." Nikki sighed, stroking my hair soothingly. 

"You thought that you killing yourself wouldn't fuck me up? Are you insane?" I asked in shock. He couldn't be serious. 

"I think we both already know that yes, I am insane. I don't think you realize how shitty it feels to be ignored and avoided by you. That shit hurts babe." he spoke. 

"You were getting to me and I guess I didn't want to give you the satisfaction of knowing that" I admitted quietly but I knew Nikki had heard me. 

"See why can't you just be honest with me all the time? This is so effortless." Nikki gestured.

"Because you fucking terrify me Sixx! You can't be that blind that you don't see that." I said, ripping myself from his embrace and getting up from the bed in pursuit of my jacket and shoes. 

"Are you kidding me? You're Ria Ramos, nothing scares you!" he raised his voice, as he also got out of bed. 

"Oh fuck you Nikki! You wanna know why I'm not more honest with you? It's because you act like this" I gestured to his bitch fit he was throwing. 

"I'm acting like what? I'm upset because you're running away from me?! Wow what a fucking concept!" he shouted at me. 

"Oh shut the hell up. You're just pissy cause you're not getting your way... again! God fuckin' forbid someone doesn't kiss your ass and worship the ground you walk on." My voice was matching his now. 

"Why do you think that lowly of me?" he snarled, taking steps forward to me. 

"Well you haven't done much to change my mind now, have you?" I asked, snapping at him. 

In the blink of an eye, Nikki had me pressed up against the wall and was looking down at me with the scariest look in his eyes I had ever seen. Never the less, I looked up at him with a snarl on my face. Don't let him scare you Ria. DON'T let him scare you.

"I know I never told you this but I've never really been able to show people who I really am. It's been that way ever since I was a kid. I don't want your sympathy but you do deserve to know why I shut you out the way I do." he spoke softly. It was a strange contrast to his demeanor and the shouting that just took place between us. 

I got my breathing under control and looked up at him through my lashes. "You don't need to tell me about your past, only if you want to. We all have our demons and moments we're not proud of. I'm not trying to belittle you by saying this. What I mean is, I kind of get what you're saying, to an extent anyway. I guess I tend to shut you out from who I really am sometimes too." I admitted, looking up at him with glossy eyes. 

"Please don't cry again. Not for me." he muttered, brushing some of my hair out of my face. His thumb had rubbed over my cheek and I titled my head so I could press a little kiss to his thumb. He smiled slightly at my actions. 

"So where do we go from here?" I asked, breaking the long drawn silence we had found ourselves in again.

"How about you come home with me for a few days and we relax?" Nikki asked, staring at me and awaiting an answer.

While I had been looking forward to spending some much needed time alone, I think the time with Nikki might be better for me. I could get to know him better, the real him. And maybe, just maybe I could help him get clean. At least from the heroin, anyway. 

"Okay" I answered, making his eyes widen. I guess he didn't think I'd give in so easily. 

"Really?" he asked to clarify, making me shake my head with a laugh.

"Yes, you idiot. Now let's get our shit packed, go prove to the guys that you're still alive, and then get the hell out of here." I snapped my fingers and went off to grab my things. 

Nikki laughed at the sass I just gave him. "Yes dear." 

. . .

A/N: some fluffity fluff fluff cause hi Nikki and Ria are my otp lmao

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