★ thirty seven ★

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     I woke up the next day to find myself in a hotel room all alone. And for the life of me, I didn't know how I got there. 

"Hello?" I croaked out. It felt like it was the morning but that couldn't be possible... could it? 

"Well good morning, princess" I heard a familiar voice drawl. 

"Axl?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. 

"Yeah sweetheart, it's me" I saw him smirk as he took a seat on the bed next to me. I had just noticed that I felt cold but I was also sweating. What the hell? "and may I say Miss Maria, you look like absolute shit." 

"Just what every girl wants to hear" I rolled my eyes with a smile. 

"So, are you gonna tell me why you felt the need to do heroin or what?" Axl got right to the point, not sugar-coating it at all. That's what I dug about him. He is blunt as hell.

"I just wanted to see what the hype was all about. It felt kinda cool once I did it right but I don't see myself doing it ever again" I said making Axl eye me cautiously. 

"You better not. Nikki pretty much lost his damn mind" Axl chuckled slightly. 

"Oh yeah. Where is he anyway?" I asked. 

"Well he stormed off, ratted you out to your band- who I would avoid right now if I were you by the way- and according to Tommy, he's currently waiting in a jail cell to get bailed out" Axl explained. My eyes widened at his last statement.

"He's in jail? Why?!" I nearly shrieked, sitting up in the bed. 

"Because he beat the shit out of his dealer for giving you access to the heroin." Axl smirked but I had a hard time seeing the humour here. 

"Oh dear God" I muttered. 

"Hey, chin up kid. You made a mistake." Axl tried to comfort me, lifting my head up by hooking his index finger under my chin. I looked right into his eyes and found myself getting lost in them. Wow, he had really pretty eyes. 

"Yeah.. yeah I did, didn't I?" I replied, chuckling slightly. 

Axl laughed with me. "Just promise me that you won't do it again, okay?" 

"Okay" I smiled softly at him, agreeing to his words. Axl wasn't nearly as bad as I used to think he was. I found myself comfortable in his presence and he definitely sensed that. 

And before I knew it, he was leaning in closer to me and I felt my eyes widen in surprise yet again. But before anything could happen the door slammed open, revealing a very exhausted looking Nikki. And when he took a look at the two of us, his stare grew cold. 

"What the fuck is this?!" he shouted, startling both of us. Axl jumped back at his tone. In the blink of an eye, Nikki had taken down Axl and had even landed a few punches on him. 

"Nikki! Stop it!" I screamed, trying to pry him off of Axl. He wouldn't listen though and got two more punches in before I used all of my strength to pull him off. But before I knew it, Nikki's hand flew back, back-handing me incredibly hard and making me fall to the ground. 

"Get the fuck out of here you worthless sack of shit!" Nikki snarled at Axl and Axl scrambled to get up and left our room without a word. 

Nikki's heavy breathing began to even out and he turned to look at me on the floor, cradling my jaw. Reality dawned on him and his lips parted in shock as he saw me on the floor. He crouched down to my level and tried to reach for me, making me flinch. 

"Baby, I'm so sorry" he spoke as I tried my hardest not to let my eyes well up with tears. 

"Get the fuck away from me" I snarled, shoving him back and getting to my feet. 

"Oh, you're gonna act all mad at me? The fucking nerve!" his attitude had changed, just like that. And fuck, did that ever scare me. 

"You're damn right I am, you fuckin' hit me!" I shouted. 

"And you know what? You deserved it! What the hell is wrong with you? You're shooting up smack now?!" he bellowed. 

"And so what if I am? What's it to ya? If it's about using your supply I can replace it for you" I snarled. 

"No it's not about that!" his voice matching mine, anger and all. 

"Then what, huh?! What the fuck is it really about? What has got the great Nikki Sixx's panties in a fucking wad?" 

"Oh you really wanna know?!" he raged on, getting in my face. 

"No, I asked that question rhetorically," I rolled my eyes, taking a step forward and getting in his face.  "Yes, you idiot! Of course I'm just dying to know!"

"You did heroin Maria! Don't you know how screwed up that is?" Nikki exclaimed, looking like he wanted to pull his hair out.

"Oh you are such a hypocrite!" I yelled.

"No, okay?! You can't be doing this shit. It's so fucked up. I can't have you doing heroin! You don't deserve to feel that type of misery. I just can't let you." he gritted his teeth as he spoke.

"And why not? Why is it any of your concern?" I egged him on.

"Because I fucking love you!" 

My jaw dropped at his words. He... he what? 

"What?" I asked, my voice faltering. 

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Shortly after, he exhaled and opened his eyes, looking back at me. 

"I... I love you. I never thought I was capable of this shit. I'm so used to people letting me down. Using me. Leaving me. But you. You get me. I don't know how you did it, but you did. You got me to fall for you. And I can't picture my life without you." he admitted. 

I went to speak but I couldn't even find the words. 

"But if you wanna throw your life away for this shit, then go ahead. Leave me, just like every one else." And just like that, he stormed out of our room and slammed the door behind him.


. . .

A/N: WHOA. How are we feeling about this chapter? 

Tbh Nikki is a damn hypocrite but those who have read The Heroin Diaries definitely get it. Wow, this is making me sad. 

Thanks for the love and feedback, you all rock! ~

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