★ fifty ★

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     The next day was spent just lounging around and being as lazy as humanly possible

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     The next day was spent just lounging around and being as lazy as humanly possible. Nikki and I decided to put his pool to good use and went for a swim while Whisky sunbathed outside. Well actually, Nikki proposed that we skinny dip, making me laugh.

"I mean, I'm all for you doing it" I winked playfully. 

"Oh come on, Ria. If I have to do it then so do you" he pouted. POUTED. Oh the nerve of this man. 

"Are you pouting right now? What are you five?" I asked. 

"No, I'm Sixx, duh." he smirked making me roll my eyes at his childish ways. 

"You're something, that's for sure" I laughed as I got into the pool. 

"Such a sweet talker" Nikki spoke sarcastically before running and cannon balling straight into the pool, splashing me in the process.

I let out a shriek once the water splashed me in the face. Nikki came back up to the surface and had to move his now drenched hair out of his eyes. When he saw me and the look on my face. he let out a loud laugh. 

"You're a dick" I grumbled, playfully. 

"I know you like my dick Ria, but thanks for reminding me" Nikki smiled cheekily. When I rolled my eyes and let out a huff, I noticed that he was swimming over to me with a look of mischief in his beautiful, beautiful eyes. 

"Nikki..." I warned. 

"Yes baby?" Nikki grinned, the look not leaving his face.

"Whatever you're thinking about doing, don't do it" I elaborated. 

"I don't know what you're on about, I'm just swimming" Nikki replied, still inching dangerously closer to me. 

It felt like it happened in the blink of an eye; I tried to get away from him but Nikki had swam close enough to me to grab me by my ankle and pull me closer to him. I tried to splash him to break free but it was no use. Nikki had pulled me flush against him, hoisting my legs up to wrap them around his waist. I brought my hands to his chest to create some space, but he wasn't having that so he rearranged them to his liking. 

"It's cute when you play hard to get. I mean, look how submissive you can be" Nikki taunted, peppering kisses down my neck, making me tilt my head back slightly and relish the feeling. 

But that feeling was interrupted the second I heard Tommy fucking Lee scream "CANNON BALL!" and splashed into the pool as obnoxiously as he possibly could. 

"What the fuck?" I let out a squeal as I was splashed yet again. I looked over to see Mick and Vince standing near the pool loungers laughing at the scene in front of them. 

"Guess we managed to interrupt you two yet again" Mick remarked, bending down slightly to pet Whisky, who eagerly wagged his tail as he looked up at Mick.

"Yeah, you guys are really the worst cock blockers in the world" Nikki grumbled, releasing me from his grip so he could dunk Tommy under the water. 

"It's a gift, really" Vince laughed, taking his shirt off and deciding to lay down on one of the chairs. 

"How'd you guys get back here anyway?" I asked.

"Well damn, it's good to see you too, Ramone" Tommy sassed back once he was above the water again, Nikki still hanging off of him. 

I rolled my eyes at him. "I didn't mean it like that, T-Bone. I'm just curious" 

"Well Drummer here just hopped Nikki's fence and unlocked the door for us. It's not rocket science" Mick informed me with a look on his face that just screamed 'duh Ria, you damn idiot'. 

"Huh, and we didn't hear any of that" I said, looking over at Nikki.

"Well uh, you two did look pretty preoccupied there. Are you guys gonna be making me a proud uncle soon or what?" Tommy joked, making me let out a surprised laugh and try to fight off the blush that was spreading on my face. 

"We already have made you a proud uncle, T-Bone. Whisky is right over there" I pointed over-dramatically making Tommy shake his head and everyone laughed at my childish ways. Everyone except Nikki. He looked a little somber, if I'm being completely honest, which shocked me. 

Did Nikki really want to have a child? And did he really want to have that child with me?


I tried to push that thought to the back of my mind and swam back over to Nikki as Tommy got out of the pool, following Vince and Mick who headed inside to grab some drinks, Whisky following our guests eagerly. 

Nikki pulled me back to him once I was back in his vicinity. "Well hello again, you" he grinned. 

"Hey good looking," my smile matched his as I leaned in to peck him on the lips. "everything okay?" 

And I couldn't help but notice him hesitate slightly. If I wasn't as perceptive of his mannerisms, I wouldn't have even noticed it. His smile was back and he looked me dead in the eye. "Happiest I've ever been, doll." 

. . .

A/N: Well hey there.  

I know this chapter is kinda short and I'm sorry. But it was cute, right? That's what I was going for.

And I know it's been a while and I'm very sorry for that. With moving, working on my mental health, and getting back to college- let's just say I've been one busy lil thing. 

Also, someone incredibly special has been the person I've kinda been giving my undivided attention to as of late. Let's just say that this Maria has found her Nikki. 

BUT I will try to get the next few chapters out asap cause as much as it breaks my heart (cause I have enjoyed writing this story very much) this story is almost over. 

Thanks for being patient with me and for all the love and support. xoxo. ~

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