★ twenty seven ★

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     By the time we had gotten back to Nikki's place it was getting pretty late and I was so ready to go to bed

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     By the time we had gotten back to Nikki's place it was getting pretty late and I was so ready to go to bed. 

"Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" Nikki asked, closing the door behind us as I took off my shoes and coat. 

"As long as you have a tv in your bedroom" I let out a yawn making Nikki snort out a laugh. 

"You're in luck babe" he smiled, taking my bag from me and leading me up to the bedroom. I followed him like a lost puppy. 

Once we were in his room, he tossed our bags down and turned to me wrapping his arms around me and spinning me around the room. I couldn't help but let out a squeal like laugh as he lifted me from the floor so suddenly. He laughed loudly at my reaction, making me smile. He had a really nice laugh.

"What movie are you thinking?" he asked. "Oh wait, lemme guess," he put a finger to my lips to keep me from speaking up. I playfully nipped at his finger, making him chuckle at me, a look of lust swept over him for a minute. "Wizard of Oz?" 

I smiled brightly up at him and nodded eagerly. Nikki just chuckled at my reaction and went over to his collection of VHS tapes to grab the movie. "I don't get why you like this movie so much." he groaned playfully. 

"Then why do you even have it?" I laughed, rummaging through his shirts in his dresser. I also found a pair of his black boxers and snagged them. My leather pants were getting a little uncomfortable. 

"Cause you like it," he admitted sheepishly making me smile and blush. Thankfully, he had his back turned. "and just what do you think you're doing?" he asked as he caught me picking out one of his shirts. 

"Changing into something more comfortable. That alright with you?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him. 

"I don't know if that is alright with me. Your ass looks so good in those pants" he smirked at me as he put the movie in the VCR. 

"Well thanks, what a romantic thing to say," I rolled my eyes playfully before an idea popped into my head. "but wouldn't you rather see it out of them?" 

Nikki's eyes lit up at my words and he nodded a little too eagerly making me stifle a laugh. 

"Maybe another time, I'm a little tired" I faked a yawn and headed into his bathroom to change. He stood up from the bed and chased me to the bathroom. I let out a scream of surprise and rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and locking it so Nikki couldn't get in. 

He knocked on the door a few times, making me giggle. "You're a fucking tease, Ria" he shouted making me laugh loud and hard. 

"We have all weekend baby, just be patient" I laughed as I stripped from my clothes and threw on Nikki's boxers and his shirt I grabbed. I examined myself in the mirror. I ran my fingers through my wavy hair to get as many knots out as possible. I wiped away any smudged eyeliner from under my eyes and washed my hands after. 

I looked at the shirt I was wearing through the mirror as well and couldn't help but smirk. New York Dolls. Nice. 

Once I was somewhat satisfied with how I looked, I made my way back out into Nikki's bedroom to find him rewinding the movie. 

Wait a minute...

"You've totally watched this movie on your own!" I shouted, startling Nikki to the point where he fell off the bed. Okay, understatement. He looked like a fish out of water as he flopped off of the bed. 

"No I haven't" he said too quickly and clearly frazzled. 

"Yes you have!" I cheered, pointing at him as I made my way over to the bed. 

"Nah, must have been T-Bone last time he came here. Everyone knows this is your favourite movie" he answered. 

"So you mean to tell me that you've had Tommy in your bed?" I asked, a little smirk on my face.

The look of realization washed over his face and his eyes widened. "No!" he shouted quickly. 

I was in a full laughing fit as this point as I collapsed onto his bed. "Shit Nikki, then just tell me the truth already" I got out through my giggles. 

He let out an over dramatic sigh as he plopped back down on the bed with me. "Alright fine. I got to thinking of you one day when I got back from tour. The one you left us on when he had about a month left. I was in a video store and I found Wizard of Oz. I didn't know why you liked this movie so much so I decided to buy it and see what the hype was." he admitted softly.

"And?" I asked, awaiting an answer with a smile. 

"And maybe it's not... that bad..." he mumbled, resting his face in the crook of my neck.

I laughed softly as he nuzzled my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair softly and he just let out a hum. 

Once the movie was back to the beginning, Nikki hit play and we snuggled up under the blankets. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him and I cuddled him immediately. It was kinda ridiculous how easy this was. To be with Nikki like this. It sort of makes me wonder why we weren't doing this in the first place. 

"I like how I feel when I'm with you" I spoke up, testing out the words. 

Nikki turned to me with a smile on his beautiful face. "You literally took the words right out of my mouth." And with that, he puts his lips on mine. 

. . .

A/N: they are just so fuckin' cute, I want to puke. 

Also wtf you guys I updated this yesterday and this story was at 4k and now it's almost at 6k?! I love you all. 

Thanks so much for reading and let me know your thoughts. Are we liking these fluffy chapters? Do we need more or less? Feedback is always encouraged and I dig constructive criticism. 

I hope you have a good day/night/week/month/life and thanks again for reading! :)

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