Lucia Ramirez

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Biographical information

Full Name: Lucia "Lucy" Ramirez

Alias(es): Lucky Lucy (nickname)

Gender: Female

Status: Alive

Age: 10 (season 1)

Birth: 2002

Race: Human

Nationality: Mexican-Spanish

Origin: Grimsborough, USA

Residence: Grimsborough, USA


* Eduardo Ramirez (father)

* Valentina Ramirez (mother)

* Arturo Ramirez (brother)

* Mariposa Ramirez (sister)

* Itzel Ramirez (sister)


Height: 4'6"

Age: 10 (season 1)

Weight: 75lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: B-

The second oldest of four children, Lucia has straight black hair that goes past her shoulders, and she usually pulls it up into a high ponytail with her bangs brushed to one side. She has her father's eyes but her mother's skin tone. She wears a high neck white, sleeveless shirt trimmed with blue and a blue vest. Her matching blue skirt is actually a skort (skirt/short combo), and she has white and blue sneakers on her feet. Lucia has a set of cherry earnings for accessories that were a gift from her siblings.


Lucia is the oldest daughter of Eduardo and Valentina Ramirez. She has an older brother, Arturo, and two younger sisters, Mariposa and Itzel. She has spent her whole life living in Grimsborough and, during season 1, attends the local elementary school. She appears a few times during The Case of The Criminal with her sisters. The most notable time was for the GBPD's Halloween party, where she and her sisters dressed as the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus.

She is a very athletic and sporty person. She participates on sports teams in the summer, like soccer (football) and baseball. During the school year, she does gymnastics and swimming in her free time. Even though she likes moving around and hates sitting still, Lucia also enjoys playing video games with her siblings.

She loves bragging about her father, who became a private investigator in season 2 and made him promise to take tons of pictures of Pacific Bay for her when he moved. Lucia and her family always made video calls every weekend, and her father called every night and morning to wish his kids good night and good morning, even if the time difference wasn't in his favour.

Story Information

First appeared:

* Alert on Grimsborough (cameo)

* Happy Birthday to You! (first speaking role)


* Lucia aspires to be a cheerleader like her mother when she's older

* She is on the Grimsborough Junior Gymnastics team

* She earned the nickname "Lucky Lucy" because she has a knack for winning guessing games. For example, guessing how many candies are in a jar. People would tell her that Lady Luck must be on her side, and eventually, the nickname stuck

     * Her earrings are cherries because someone told her siblings cherries are a sign of good luck

* Lucia loves making music and dancing with her dad

* She is learning how to fence from her mother

* She likes listening to her brother play the guitar

* Her favourite thing to do with her sisters is to paint each other nails

A/N: The first of the mini-profiles! I wasn't kidding when I said they would be mini. I decided I wouldn't do a History section or an Events of Criminal Case section for the mini-profiles or ad quotes since some of these characters never speak (cause, you know, some only appeared as a dead body!). Instead, they'll have a Synopsis section that will summarize who they are with some relevant information about them and a bit of case or chapter-related info!

Of course, if you have questions, you can ask me anything about my OCs, and I promise to answer as best I can!

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