Renée Murphy

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Biographical information

Full Name: Renée Murphy

Alias(es): Celestia (codename)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Deceased

Age: 58 (season 1)

Birth: 1955

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Blood Loss from multiple stab wounds

Nationality: Norwegian-Canadian

Origin: Montreal, Canada

Residence: Montreal, Canada

Profession(s): G.I.A. Agent

Past profession(s): Dancer


* Will Murphy (nephew) (incarcerated)

* Noël Murphy (sister)

* Pièrre Bouchard (brother-in-law)

Affiliation(s): Galactic Intelligence Agency


Height: 4'10"

Age: 58 (season 1)

Weight: 125lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: AB+

Renée was a petite but fit middle-aged woman with fair skin and black hair with gray curtain bangs framing her brown eyes. She always pulled her hair up into a tight ballerina bun with two hairpins stuck into it. She wore black slacks, a blue shirt with a scoop neckline, a white blazer, and black heels. She also wore a necklace with a large blue stone and matching earrings, rings, and bracelets.


The aunt of Will Murphy, Renée Murphy, served as the fake wife of Aslan and the fake mother of Adalet before her untimely death. She had retired from the G.I.A a few years before her death after she no longer needed to pretend to be Aslan's wife and Adalet's mother. She enjoyed her early retirement alone, travelling to tropical beaches and peacefully relaxing.

Halfway through season 1, Renée heard that Adalet had returned to Earth from one of her friends in the G.I.A. She decided to visit her fake daughter and see if she could convince the young woman to continue pursuing Olympic fame. Since Renée's injury prevented her from getting famous for her dancing, she saw Adalet as a way to achieve the fame and recognition she desired.

Renée has loved being in the spotlight since she was a child. She loved the attention it brought and wanted more of it every time she performed, unlike her younger sister, who preferred being in the background due to stage fright. When Adalet showed promise for being an Olympian, Renée jumped at the chance to return to the spotlight, even if she shared it with her fake daughter.

However, Adalet only participated once in the Olympics because she thought she had an unfair advantage against her competition. That's why she participated in partner figure skating since she and Ilia LeBlanc had to work together to win. Even still, Adalet chose to wear power-blocking cuffs at the Olympics to make it fairer.

When Renée realized she couldn't have the fame she craved, she lost it. She started acting crazy towards people in Grimsborough, including her nephew. It was her crazy reaction that led Will to snap and kill her in a blind rage. He had put up with his aunt's narcissism for too long and couldn't take her behaviour anymore.

Renée died from the multiple stab wounds Will inflicted on her, and her body was tossed into the river, hoping it would be washed away and never found. Renée would never get the fame she desired, but justice would be found when Will was arrested by David Jones and John Savage for her murder.


G.I.A. (Retired)

Rank: Agent

Story Information

First appeared: Worst of Wives and Worst of Women


* Renée never legally married Aslan or adopted Adalet, so there is no biological or legal connection between the three since all of the documentation was forged

* With Renée's blood type being AB+, she is incapable of having an O- (Adalet's blood type) child

     * No one realized at the time when they chose Renée for the mission, and by the time they did, it was too later

     * They just hoped it would never get pointed out. It never was

* She let Adalet lie about her forcing her fake daughter to have surgery to make her sterile since the real reason was a secret

     * Renée had hoped it would make Adalet indebted to her by letting herself be portrayed as "evil" towards her fake daughter

* She did try to live the life she never had through Adalet even though they weren't mother and daughter, but Aslan and Heimdall always put their foot down when she tried to cross the line

* If she hadn't permanently injured herself, she would have continued being a professional dancer

* She was a child actress who performed in commercials and had minor roles in TV shows

* She was the first victim I created with the intent to have everyone hate her. It was surprisingly fun to make someone to be hated instead of trying to make them likeable 

     * I took inspiration from the wicked stepmother trope when creating her personality. I gave her so many hateful qualities that I don't know if there is anything likable about her!

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