Flora Holloway

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"Oh, this? It belonged to my great-great-grandfather, Nicolas Holloway, Evelyn's twin brother. I wanted to see if it looked good so I could wear it as a tribute to him!" - Flora Holloway

Biographical information

Full Name: Flora Holloway

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Status: Alive

Age: 30 (season 3)

Birth: 1986

Race: Human

Nationality: American

Origin: Concordia, USA


* Concordia, USA

* Grimsborough, USA (formerly)

Profession(s): Architect


* Sarah White (daughter)

* Nicolas Holloway (great-great-grandfather)

* Evie Holloway (great-great-great-aunt)

Partner(s): Gray White (ex-husband)


Height: 5'5"

Age: 30 (season 3)

Weight: 135lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: AB+

During Murder From The Past, Flora wore a replica of Evie Holloway's outfit, except she had a bowtie instead of the cravat. Her short brown hair had a blue bow clipped in the back and glasses that highlighted her brown eyes. She also had pink lipstick and a satchel with the strap crossing over her chest.

During her suspect appearance in Harvest Murder, Flora's hair was dirty and full of knots, while her clothes were wrinkled and riddled with holes and stains. She also had bruises on her face and collarbone.

As per her suspect appearance in Harvest Murder, it is known that Flora drinks coffee and eats pumpkin pie.

As per her suspect appearance in Murder From The Past, it is known that Flora has read The Concordia Flying Squad: History of Justice and drinks wine.


Flora is a minor character who appeared as a suspect in Harvest Murder and Murder From The Past.

In her first appearance, she was a suspect in her ex-husband's murder. The two had divorced after Flora could no longer take the abuse he put her through. She got custody of their daughter and moved into the Grimsborough trailer park. After Adalet and Nathan had discovered the epilepsy medication Gray had stolen for Sarah; Flora became implicated in his murder.

But she would be found innocent once his killer had been arrested. With Gray gone for good, Flora returned to school and finished her architectural engineering degree. She had dropped out after marrying Gray and intended to go back, but he kept her trapped. With him no longer able to hold her back, Flora got her degree and walked across the graduation stage.

After graduation, she got a job in Concordia and eventually started her own company with the help of her family. Her life was finally taking a turn for the better, and she was moving on from the pain Gray put her through. After living in Concordia for over a year, she joined the Flying Squad Preservation Society and later volunteered for the Flying Squad Museum Committee.

Flora designed the new platform for the airship to dock on so that it could be converted into a museum. She also made minor renovations to the airship to make it more accessible while maintaining its historic value. She met and befriended many people through this committee, including Alessia Dupont, Andrew Bontemps, Orlando Ordelaffi, and Sirius Atwood.

But tragedy would come to the committee when Andrew was murdered onboard the airship. Flora was shocked that someone would murder such a kind young man. He was always willing to help her by babysitting Sarah, and her daughter adored him. She couldn't believe his killer held a grudge against him for something Andrew's ancestor did over a hundred years ago! He had nothing to do with what had happened in Concordia's past; he was only trying to preserve it!

And while Andrew will not be able to see the museum's grand opening, Flora and the committee will ensure his work and memory will be honoured. They've commissioned a plaque to dedicate to Andrew and everything that he did in the Flying Squad Preservation Society so that when people visit the museum, not only can they learn about the work the Flying Squad did but also how Andrew helped keep their memories alive.

Story Information

First appeared: Harvest Murder


* Like Andrew, I had no intention of making her related to a season 4 character. It was completely unintentional that I picked the last name Holloway!

* She decided to become an architect like her ancestor after visiting the buildings he designed in Concordia when she was a child

* She loves visiting libraries and reading, just like her great-great-great-aunt Evie Holloway

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