Soffía Halvorsen

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"Heimdall! Don't volunteer your sibling as a test subject! Even though they would do it themselves!" - Soffía Halvorsen

Biographical information

Full Name: Soffía Halvorsen

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Status: Alive

Age: 80 (season 2)

Birth: 1934

Race: Mythonite

Nationality: Asgardian

Origin: Asgard, New Asgard

Residence: Asgard, New Asgard

Past profession(s): Queen's Personal Assistant


* Birgitta Halvorsen (wife)

* Kára Halvorsen (daughter) (deceased)

* Brage Halvorsen (child)

* Heimdall Sadik-Halvorsen (son)

* Aslan Sadik-Halvorsen (son-in-law)

* Adalet (Anders) Sadik-Halvorsen (granddaughter/grandson)

* Ahmet Savage (great-grandson)

Affiliation(s): New Asgard Royal Council (formerly)


Height: 4'11"

Age: 80 (season 2)

Weight: 119lbs

Eyes: green

Blood: A-

Soffía is an elderly, petite woman who is one of the mothers of the Halvorsen siblings. She has short, curly gray hair tucked behind her ears and pale green eyes. She likes to wear a flowy, long, blush-coloured dress with a darker pink shawl across her shoulders. Lastly, she has a silver necklace with a rose quartz stone set into the center and pink flower-shaped earrings pierced into each ear.

Powers and Abilities

Asgardian abilities:

* Super-strength

* Enhanced durability

* Enhanced speed

* Superhuman Stamina

* Regenerative healing factor

* Flight

* All-Speak

* Star Generation

     * Asgardians can create small orbs of light which they call "stars" that they send up into the sky at night

* Magic


Soffía grew up on New Asgard in her family's modest home in the countryside just outside of the capital city of Asgard. From a young age, she was fascinated by the royal palace and royal customs and dreamed of one day working in the palace.

She met Birgitta when the two were teenagers and they became high school sweethearts. Shortly after graduating, they got married and quickly had their first children, the twins Kára and Brage.

After the twins turned two, Soffía began working in the palace as a Royal Council Intern. With her work, she impressed Sylvi, who at the time was the King's fiancee, and the future queen declared that she would like Soffía to work for her after the wedding.

Soffía started as a normal assistant to the queen, helping her around the palace with her royal duties. During this time she would have her third child Heimdall a few years after the Queen had given birth to her child. After working for the queen for several years, Soffía was promoted to the Queen's Personal Assistant.

Soffía and Slyvi grew close over their years working together. They became the best of friends and Soffía was devastated when she found out Sylvi had been diagnosed with the Asgardian equivalent of human cancer. The disease was too far progressed for Sylvi to live more than a few years, but Soffía did everything she could to make sure her friend had the best final years of her life.

After Sylvi died, Soffía fully retired from her duties in the palace and she and her wife settled down to spend the rest of their days relaxing together. She and Birgitta are proud of the family they raised together and the paths their children have taken. She knows her time will be ending sooner than she would like, but she plans to pass peacefully, happy with the life she lived and she will wait for her family to join her in Valhalla.

Events of Criminal Case

Season 2

Soffía appeared alongside her wife at their grandchild's wedding. She loved watching the ceremony and was reminded of the day she had married Brigitta. She had smiled so hard that her face began to hurt as she watched her son give away his child at the altar.

Season 3

Soffía made her first speaking appearance during her daughter's murder investigation. She was distraught to learn that her firstborn child had been murdered. No parent should have to bury a child, even if that child had abandoned the family years ago. She had even tried to drink away her grief but ultimately found some peace once Kára's killer had been caught. Though she felt betrayed when she learned that it was Henrik who had killed her. The two had been close for years, especially after Sylvi had died. Soffía doesn't think she can ever forgive Henrik for killing her daughter even knowing that Kára was responsible for his wife's death.

Story Information

First appeared: Tying the Knot


* She is a bit of a perfectionist. Working for the Queen meant that everything needed to be just right. Even though Sylvi was very laid back in comparison to other Queens, Soffía still strived to make sure everything was perfect

* Likewise, she is also very well organized. If you need something organized, be it a list, a cupboard or your entire home, Soffía is your woman!

* Her favourite colour is pink

* She may be small but between her and Birgitta, Soffía is the one who her children feared angering the most. She can be terrifying when she wants to be

* She's a lightweight. Just a couple of drinks is enough to get her tipsy

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