Kavi Pandit

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"Excellent idea, my dear; I can see why you and my grandson are such good friends!" - Kavi Pandit

Biographical information

Full Name: Kavi Pandit

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Alive

Age: 84 (season 3)

Birth: 1932

Race: Human

Nationality: Indian

Origin: Chhattisgarh, India


* Chhattisgarh, India

* New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (formerly)

Past Profession(s): Director of the United Nations Intelligence Team (U.N.I.T.)


* Devi Pandit (daughter) (incarcerated)

* Nathan Pandit (grandson)

* Oberon Douglas (grandson-in-law)

* Avi Douglas (great-grandson)

Partner(s): Mala Pandit (ex-wife)

Affiliation(s): United Nations Intelligence Team (U.N.I.T.)


Height: 5'7"

Age: 84 (season 3)

Weight: 184lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: A-

The grandfather of Nathan Pandit, Kavi, is an elderly gentleman with dark skin slightly lighter than his grandson's. He wears a light brown suit, a white dress shirt, and an orange tie. His curly gray hair is kept short, with a receding hairline, and he has a bushy gray beard. He also has square-framed glasses that sit in front of his brown eyes.


Kavi was born and raised in Chhattisgarh, India, where he met and married his now ex-wife Mala. They had their daughter Devi after a few years of marriage, and all was going well in the beginning. But soon, problems arose when Kavi was promoted to Assistant Director of U.N.I.T.

His family believed he worked for the Indian government when that was just a cover story for his real job. He never wanted to be so deep into U.N.I.T, but his boss convinced him to take the promotion.

This promotion led to Kavi spending more time away from Mala and Devi. He tried to be home with his girls, but his job kept demanding more and more from him. Eventually, Mala couldn't take Kavi never being home anymore, and the two divorced.

Kavi had minimal visitation rights for his daughter; Mala only allowed him to see her on her birthday and holidays but never alone. Mala always had to be there to supervise the visits. As Devi got older, Mala's influence led to her refusing to see her father, and Kavi repeated his daughter's choices, even if they hurt him.

But Kavi always kept a distant eye on his daughter as she grew. Unbeknownst to Devi, he attended her high school and college graduation and would still send her anonymous gifts for her birthday and holidays. He even did a background check on Léon Toussaint when he discovered that the man was dating his daughter.

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