Romulus Fabbri

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Biographical information

Full Name: Romulus Fabbri

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Polyamory

Status: Deceased

Age: 29 (season 4)

Birth: 1861

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Head crushed against a bell

Nationality: Italian

Origin: Rome, Italy


* Concordia, USA

* Rome, Italy (formerly)

Profession(s): Inventor

Partner(s): Tamioka Takara (girlfriend)


Height: 6'1"

Age: 29 (season 4)

Weight: 172lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: B-

Romulus was an inventor with warm, tanned skin, short black hair and blue eyes. He wore simple clothes: dark brown pants held up by black suspenders, a white button-up with the sleeves rolled above his elbows and black shoes. He also wore a brown pageboy cap, but it was knocked off his head during his murder.


Romulus was the victim in Ring In The New Death.

He was an inventor who immigrated to Concordia from Rome about a week before his death. He moved to Concordia to start a new life and make a name for himself in the world of inventing. He had travelled with his old coworker Jason, who was moving to Concordia to be with his boyfriend. During the trip, they met Tomioka Takara, a fellow immigrant who was also moving to Concordia, and André Santos, a travelling musician from Brazil.

While sailing to Concordia, Romulus and Takara developed a romantic relationship and spent many nights together. But Romulus also had his eyes on André, though the Brazilian wasn't interested in the Italian beyond being friends. Still, when Romulus wasn't busy with Takara, he tried winning over André. After all, to Romulus, having two lovers was always better than one.

When the journey came to an end, and it was time to move into his new home in Concordia, Romulus immediately got to work con- I mean selling amazing inventions to people!

One of these (un)lucky customers was the wife of Misha Zima. Romulus had sold her a coffee maker... Which ended up exploding and burning most of Mrs. Zima's hair off. He sold equally dangerous inventions to other Concordians, and thankfully, no one was killed due to his negligence. But this did make Romulus many enemies in the city.

However, the one who ended up killing him was the one he claimed to love, Takara. The woman was enraged that Romulus had left her and André to take the fall for a robbery he committed. While André managed to escape arrest, the same could not be said for Takara. She was arrested and only got out of jail when André managed to get enough money to bail her out.

Takara pleaded with Romulus to tell the police the truth, but he refused. Romulus tried to attack Takara, planning to kill her and eliminate the risk of her possibly ruining his new life. In the ensuing chase around the temple, Romulus tripped and landed against the large bell. As he tried to stand, Takara grabbed the bell's mallet and smashed his head between it and the bell. The sound of Romulus's skull crushing as the bell rang will forever haunt Takara, but it's one of the prices she must pay for killing him.

Story Information

First appeared: Ring In The New Death


* He's named after the mythological founder of Rome

* He had a crush on André Santos

* He was a smoker

* If he had the blueprints, he could build anything perfectly. But when it came to creating the designs himself, he was rather... Lacking in that skill set

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