Milagros Santiago

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"An elephant?! That's so cool! I like penguins!" - Milagros Santiago

Biographical information

Full Name: Milagros Santiago

Nickname(s): Mila

Gender: Female

Status: Alive

Age: 6 (season 3)

Birth: 2010

Race: Human

Nationality: Puerto Rican-American

Origin: Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A


* McMurdo Station, South Pole

* Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A (formerly)

Profession(s): Penguin Enthusiast


* Alondra Santiago (mother) (deceased)

* Unnamed father

* Camila Martinez (adoptive mother)

* Unnamed grandparents

* Carmen Martinez (aunt)

* Sanjay Korrapati (cousin)

Affiliation(s): McMurdo Station


Height: 3'5"

Age: 6 (season 3)

Weight: 40lbs

Eyes: hazel

Blood: A+

Hailing from Baltimore, Milagros Santiago is a young girl with caramel skin, hazel brown eyes, and bouncy curls of long black hair. With her favourite colour being purple, she wears a dark purple parka with matching boots, black snow pants, a lilac hat, scarf, gloves and darker lilac earmuffs.


McMurdo Station's unofficial penguin expert, Milagros, is the adopted daughter of Camila Martinez.

She is a curious young girl who loves asking questions to learn about new things. She loves science and learning about biology, physics, chemistry, and weather patterns. But she's also a big fan of fantasy novels and can easily get lost in an imaginary world as she reads her favourite books.

Milagros lost her mother at a young age. She doesn't remember much about Alondra, but she remembers her singing lullabies to put her to sleep and having princess tea parties with her and Auntie Camila. She's lucky to have recordings of her mother, and her favourite ones are the videos of Alondra singing and dancing with her as they reenact the dancing scenes from fairy tale movies.

After Alondra passed away, it was just her and Auntie Camila in their little apartment. The place seemed cold and empty without her Mommy, but soon, their family became bigger. She and Camila moved into a rental house close to Camila's parents, and Milagros loved visiting her new grandparents. Her Mommy's parents also visit from Puerto Rico, and while she only sees them a few times a year, she still treasures their time together.

A few weeks after her sixth birthday, Camila announced that she had been offered a job in Antarctica and Milagros was invited to come along. Despite the cold weather, the girl was ecstatic to move to the South Pole. She couldn't wait to see her newest favourite animal, penguins, and make lots of new penguin friends.

Several weeks after moving to Antarctica and befriending the penguins, Camila informed her that Auntie Carmen and her team would be visiting them. Milagros was excited to show Carmen and her friends around the station and penguin reserve but was even more excited to meet her new cousin Sanjay.

After Camila had been cleared of murder, she and Milagros took the Bureau out to visit the penguin reserve. Milagros introduced the penguins to the team by name and taught the humans everything she knew about the animal. While she might still have a lot to learn, she felt proud of herself as she saw everyone smiling and listening to her ramble.

But after a few days, Auntie Carmen, Sanjay and the Bureau needed to leave. Milagros didn't want them to go, but she knew there were bad guys out there they needed to take down, so she didn't try to stow away on the plane. But she still made Auntie Carmen and Sanjay promise to take pictures and get her souvenirs from everywhere they visited.

Months later, near the end of The Darkest Hour, Milagros and Camila returned to celebrate the defeat of SOMBRA alongside the rest of the Bureau's family and friends.

Story Information

First appeared: Death Below Zero


* Inspiration for her came from Encanto. Her name means miracle (miracle candle), and her Puerto Rican heritage comes from one of the movie's (also one of my favourite) music composers being of Puerto Rican descent (Lin-Manuel Miranda)

* Her stuffed penguin, Pip, was a gift from Camila when she told Milagros they were moving to Antarctica. Milagros sleeps with Pip every night and claims he keeps her nightmares and the cold away

* When living in Baltimore, Camila takes Milagros on weekly trips to the cemetery to visit Alondra's grave. Milagros updates her mother on everything that happened during the previous week and sometimes brings along things to show the grave

     * Once they return from Antarctica, Milagros plans to bring her scrapbook to her mother's grave so that she can tell Alondra all about her adventures and penguin friends

* She loves dressing up as characters from her favourite movies, especially princesses. Sometimes Camila will dress in matching costumes

     * Mila hopes that she'll be able to convince Sanjay to dress up with her for Halloween so they can get extra candy for their matching costumes!

* She enjoys visiting the beach to build sand castles, swim, play in the waves, and take the pets Camila fosters for walks

* Whenever they have a new pet to foster, Milagros makes them a bow or bandana to wear. Each one uses a different combination of fabrics, so no two bows or bandanas are the same

     * Her favourite animals to foster are dogs, cats, birds, and lizards

     * She also likes when they get to pet-sit people's fish. It's fun to watch them swim around in the tank

* She was born without the lower half of her legs from just below her knees. She has prosthetics to help her walk, run, swim and dance

     * Grandma Martinez makes her special socks/sleeves in fun patterns that fit over her fake legs to cover the boring metal and plastic

     * Her favourite ones are the flower pattern socks that make it look like her legs a wrapped in flowers and the sparkly ones because she likes the way they shimmer in the light

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