Wilfred Pennyworth

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Biographical information

Full Name: Wilfred Pennyworth

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Aromantic/Asexual

Status: Deceased

Age: 68 (season 3)

Birth: 1948

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Slashed throat

Nationality: British

Origin: Liverpool, England, United Kingdom


* Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

* Liverpool, England, United Kingdom (formerly)

Profession(s): Clayton Family Butler

Past profession(s): Soldier

Affiliation(s): Clayton Family


Height: 5'11"

Age: 68 (season 3)

Weight: 174lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: A+

Hailing from Liverpool, England, Wilfred was an older gentleman in his mid-sixties with fair, wrinkled skin, combed-over gray hair, and brown eyes. He wore simple but refined clothes; tailored black slacks, a white dress shirt under a dark yellow vest, and a black blazer. He also had a black tie, a yellow pocket square, and shining black shoes.


Wilfred Pennyworth was the victim of The Brave and The Dead.

He served as the Clayton Family butler, having been hired a few years after Eliza was born. He helped care for the family's mansion and raise the children when the parents were unavailable. But behind his cold butler exterior, Wilfred was a hardened ex-soldier who was a secret bodyguard for the Clayton children.

After SOMBRA threatened the children's lives, Cedric and Evangeline decided to hire protection for them. But they couldn't outwardly hire a bodyguard as it would raise suspicion for SOMBRA, so they hired Wilfred as a butler. But his sole mission was to protect Elliot and his sisters from SOMBRA's grasp.

It was a challenging mission to keep secret, especially working so closely with an undercover SOMBRA agent disguised as the children's nanny. But Wilfred kept a close eye on Malaya and never left her alone with any of the children. And if need be, he would not hesitate to take her out. Permanently.

But eventually, the children outgrew the need for a nanny, and Cedric managed to avoid hiring Malaya for a different position. Finally, the mansion was free of SOMBRA agents, but it wasn't free of their surveillance. So Wilfred continued to monitor the home, subtly destroying any bugs he found planted inside.

After Eliza and Elliot moved out, Wilfred only had Esther to care for. He loved each of the children equally, but there was also something special about each of them. Eliza had a knack for understanding and empathizing with people. Elliot knew his way around technology like Wilfred did with a gun. And little Esther could tell you everything about space and the stars beyond Earth. He knew the children would achieve great things and was proud of who they had become despite SOMBRA blackmailing their parents.

When Cedric and Evangeline travelled to the Philippines for work, Wilfred accompanied them. With Eliza travelling the world, Elliot working for the Bureau, and Esther studying at a boarding school, Wilfred's new mission was to protect his employers. He wasn't surprised that SOMBRA appeared in Manila in the form of Malaya Mendoza, and so he was on high alert for any attacks.

But even he couldn't have predicted that Malaya would attack him before going after the Claytons. He thought she had no idea about his real job, but she and SOMBRA had uncovered his secrets. And so Malaya cornered Wilfred at Fort Santiago, tased him to incapacitate him and sliced his throat before he even got the chance to reach for his gun.

Wilfred was disappointed in himself for failing his mission, but he would be happy to know that Cedric and Evangeline were able to tell the Bureau the truth about SOMBRA's blackmail scheme. He would also be pleased to see the Clayton family reunite and work together to overcome their shared trauma. He might not be around to protect them anymore, but he knows they will be safe with the help of the Bureau and each other now that they have no more secrets to hide.

Story Information

First appeared: The Brave and The Dead


* He is based on Alfred Pennyworth (Batman) and Wilfred Mott (Doctor Who)

* The title of the case he appears in, The Brave and The Dead, is a reference to the Batman cartoon The Brave and The Bold

* He always had a weapon hidden on him

* If they had ever met, he and John Savage would have been friends

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