Vicki Seeker

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"No prison will silence me! I will tell the stories the world needs to hear!" - Vicki Seeker

Biographical information

Full Name: Vicki Seeker

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 47 (season 3)

Birth: 1968

Race: Human

Nationality: American

Origin: New York City, New York, USA

Residence: New York City, New York, USA

Profession(s): CCN Reporter

Family: Unnamed husband

Affiliation(s): CCN (formerly)


Height: 5'6"

Age: 47 (season 3)

Weight: 158lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: B-

A reporter for CCN, Vicki is in her mid-forties and has curly reddish-blonde hair, flawless pale skin and steel blue eyes behind pink-framed glasses. She wears a two-piece magenta pantsuit with a crisp white dress shirt and simple jewelry consisting of earrings and a matching necklace.

As per her suspect appearance in Lights, Camera, Death! it is known that Vicki wears sunscreen, has read The Ringed Lord, and drinks SunCola.


Vicki was the killer of Lois Kane in Lights, Camera, Death! She was a reporter for CCN and worked alongside Lois and other well-known reporters. And while she enjoyed being out in the field as a news reporter, she longed to take the seat as the head anchorwoman for the 6 o'clock news spot.

But Vicki found out that the station was planning to give the position to Lois. She thought she deserved it more for having higher seniority, but she never considered that she didn't have the personality or social skills for the job like Lois did. Vicki tried everything she could to impress her bosses, even offering to lead the news team travelling to Saultanstine. But the best she could get was a position on the team working under Lois!

Swallowing her pride in hopes of proving herself, Vicki joined the team in the desert country and did everything she could to impress her teammate. But everything she did seemed to get overshadowed by Lois's natural gift for reporting. And with every praise Lois received, it was like a slap to Vicki's face.

After a few weeks, Vicki couldn't take it anymore. Her patience and anger were at the ends of their rope, and it was only a matter of time before she exploded. And that moment came when she overheard Lois telling Carl and Louis how she would become the head anchorwoman when they returned to the US.

It was one thing to know that CCN was planning to offer Lois the job, but it was even more insulting to Vicki to hear that Lois had accepted the position. Filled with jealous rage, Vicki stole a kilij from a hotel display and hid inside the closet of Lois's room.

After the reporter had finished showering and excited the bathroom, Vicki pounced and attacked. She stabbed Lois in the stomach with the curved blade and pierced her heart. Vicki left Lois to bleed out on the bed while she went to dispose of the murder weapon and wash the blood off her hands.

But no amount of soap could scrub away Vicki's misdeeds. After a day-long investigation, plus getting into a fistfight with Carmen, Vicki was arrested. She cursed the agents for sending her to prison and ruining her career. The only bright side was that Carl and Louis managed to finish the documentary, but that was also destroyed when she saw that they had cut her from the film and discredited her.

And to rub salt in the wound, the documentary was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize... A reporter's most sought-after award and something Vicki will never get to win.

Story Information

First appeared: Lights, Camera, Death!


* She is based on two fictional characters: Vicki Vale from Batman and Rita Skeeter from Harry Potter

     * I accidentally misspelled the last name, but the inspiration is still there!

* Her hair combines her two inspiration characters' hair colours: Vicki is a redhead, while Rita is a blonde. Therefore, she has reddish-blonde hair

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