Ratko Kovac

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Biographical information

Full Name: Ratko Kovac

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Deceased

Age: 68 (season 2)

Birth: 1946

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Brain Removal

Nationality: Russian

Origin: Moscow, Russia

Residence: Moscow, Russia

Profession(s): Director of U.N.I.T

Past profession(s): Military Doctor



* U.N.I.T.


Height: 5'9"

Age: 68 (season 2)

Weight: 184lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: B-

Ratko Kovac was a man in his late sixties with pale skin, silvery-gray hair, and steel-blue eyes. He often wore tailored black suits, matching ties, pocket squares, and polished dress shoes.


Ratko was the victim of Delta Protocol.

Before his death, he was the Director of U.N.I.T, succeeding Kavi Pandit and preceding Nicolas Doyle. He was a ruthless leader and also a traitor to his people. He had worked with SOMBRA since he was a young man and joined U.N.I.T on their orders. He quickly climbed the agency ranks and eventually became the Director, with Nicolas, his fellow SOMBRA agent, as his second in command.

During his life, Ratko ruined countless other people's lives. While Nicolas was the one to start the fire that nearly killed the Douglas-Pandit family, Ratko was the person who ordered it. He was also responsible for separating Nathan and Avi from Oberon, sending them to different hospitals and informing each that the other was dead. He later sent Nathan and Avi to Grimsborough while Oberon was in a coma, further breaking up the family.

He also abused his position and power as Director. He would force his subordinates to do work they were uncomfortable with and even physically hurt them for his pleasure. He never went as far as raping anyone, but his sadistic methods had an underlying sexual nature. He got off listening to people scream and beg for mercy and enjoyed every minute of having people under his control.

Another horrible act he did was kidnap Nathan after the coroner had dropped his son off at school. He had deemed the agent's undercover mission to take down the Crimson Order a failure because they needed the G.I.A.'s assistance. He decided to rehabilitate Nathan and turn him into the perfect, obedient agent. He would do this by erasing Nathan's memories of his family and friends with the help of an inhibitor chip, turning him into an emotionless assassin.

Using the Grimsborough asylum U.N.I.T had purchased, he captured Nathan and held him hostage for a week. During this time, they examined the agent and planned to implant him with an inhibitor chip and assistive technology, starting with his eyes. They would give him electronic eyes to remove the need for Nathan's sight injections. Ratko also took Nathan's imprisonment as an opportunity to torture him as revenge against his grandfather for the man always unknowingly stopping his plans when Kavi was Director.

But thankfully, they never got around to putting the chip or implants into Nathan. He escaped the night before Ratko's death, but not without first poisoning his boss. Nathan wasn't trying to kill Ratko, but he wanted to slow the man down so he could get away. The poison weakened the Director, which helped his killer overpower him.

With Ratko at the killer's mercy, they removed his brain, killing him slowly and painfully. Ratko's body was left in the fountain of the Grimsborough greenhouse, where it was discovered by Charles Parker, who immediately reported it to the police. Adalet, who was in Grimsborough with the PBPD team for Fili's funeral, took on the case.

It was revealed during his murder investigation that Ratko had purchased the asylum to convert it into a rehabilitation center. But the real unknown reason was to use it as a front for SOMBRA. It would become an experiment and training facility for SOMBRA recruits, but his death stopped the renovations from continuing. Ratko's killer unknowingly helped delay SOMBRA's plans for world domination.

Ratko would never live to see the victory or fall of SOMBRA, and the world is a safer place with him gone.



Rank: Director

Story Information

First appeared: Delta Protocol


* I picked the name Ratko because it had the word rat in it

* He was initially going to be Siberian, and then I changed it to Russian. I don't remember why

* He was a sadist

* He was a very cautious (read as paranoid) man. His contingency plans had contingency plans!

* He was going to let SOMBRA use U.N.I.T agents as test subjects for the enchantment formula, but his death prevented this plan from happening

* He only got the position as Kavi's Assistant Director (and later Director) because he scared off or had SOMBRA kill anyone who dared try to oppose him

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