Scottie Riddle

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Biographical information

Full Name: Scottie Riddle

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Status: Deceased

Age: 29 (season 2)

Birth: 1986

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Shot in the head

Nationality: American

Origin: Rhine Canyon, Pacific Bay, USA

Residence: Rhine Canyon, Pacific Bay, USA

Profession(s): Police Officer

Family: Unnamed parents (deceased)

Affiliation(s): Pacific Bay Police Department


Height: 5'9"

Age: 29 (season 2)

Weight: 205lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: AB-

Scottie was a tall man with a slightly chubby build. He had short black hair framing his brown eyes and dark skin with some short stubble around his jaw. He wore a standard PBPD uniform consisting of a dark blue dress shirt, a bulletproof vest, black pants, shoes, a utility belt, and a badge.


Scottie was the victim in Escape from Pacific Bay. He was a prison transport officer who agreed to help the G.I.A. "kidnap" Jarvis Donne from his transport van when he and Kirby were escorting the "killer" to prison. While he had never become a G.I.A. agent, his parents had been, and he felt he owed it to them to help save Jarvis from his prison sentence after Randolph had been reduced from Area 61.

After meeting with the G.I.A. rescue team and devising a plan to fake a car crash after Adalet had pulled Jarvis from his van, Scottie got to work. He felt terrible about lying to his friend Kirby, but until Jarvis was safe, no one could know about the G.I.A's plan. So, he had Kirby drive the police car while he took the van and watched as Loki possessed his friend's vehicle and drove Kirby out of sight. Once Kirby was a safe distance away and Adalet had gotten Jarvis out of the back, Scottie performed a controlled crash to stage the scene.

Moments after he had climbed out of the van, Kirby returned and panicked at the sight of the crashed vehicle and missing prisoner. Scottie told Kirby that the plan was a success and tried to let him in on the secret, but Kirby was so distraught that he wouldn't listen. Before Scottie could do anything, Kirby attacked him with a riding crop, beating him to the ground.

Scottie tried to fight back, but even though Kirby was smaller than him, he had adrenaline and rage on his side. Soon, Scottie was beaten till he was bruised and bleeding. As he struggled to speak, he heard the sound of a gun going off, and everything went black.

He was angry that Kirby killed him, but at the same time, he felt partially responsible. If he hadn't followed the order to keep the mission a secret from Kirby, they could have worked together to save Jarvis. He never liked Aslan and should have defied the man. Maybe then he would still be alive and friends with Kirby...



Rank: Police Officer

Story Information

First appeared: Escape From Killer Bay


* The name of the case he is the victim in is based on the title of the movie Escape From Planet Earth

* His name comes from the Star Trek phrase, "Beam me up, Scotty!" and one of the directors of the Alien movie series, Ridley Scott

* His mother was a descendant of the original Libra, while his father's ancestor was the first Sagittarius

* For some reason, I only described him as a dead body and gave him no physical description beyond that... Oops? So I guess I'm somewhat obligated to give him a design now... just a couple of years late!

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