Aurora Toivonen

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"Anders, your brother is no longer my boyfriend!" - Aurora Toivonen

Biographical information

Full Name: Aurora Toivonen

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Status: Alive

Age: 28 (season 3)

Birth: 1987

Race: Mythonite

Nationality: Asgardian

Origin: Niflheim, New Asgard


* Earth

* Asgard, New Asgard (formerly)

* Niflheim, New Asgard (formerly)

Profession(s): Teacher


* Aura Toivonen (Mother)

* Matias Toivonen (Father)

* Holly Toivonen (Sister)

* Ivy Toivonen (Sister)

Partner(s): Magnus Dahl (fiancé)


Height: 5'4"

Age: 28 (season 3)

Weight: 135lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: B-

Hailing from the land of ice and snow, Aurora is a petite woman with pale skin, icy blue eyes, and platinum blonde hair that almost looks white. Her hair is styled into a set of space buns with thin braids wrapped around the base of each and long pieces of hair are left loose to frame her face.

On her left bicep is a beautiful swirling snowflake tattoo in cool blues, white and silver and some of the snowflakes look like they glitter in the light.

She wears a flowy knee-length, deep blue dress with an icy-blue vest over top of it and dark blue boots with white fur lining the tops. She also has a short silver necklace with a blue gem hanging from the middle and dark blue artist gloves.

Powers and Abilities

Asgardian abilities:

* Super-strength

* Enhanced durability

* Enhanced speed

* Superhuman Stamina

* Regenerative healing factor

* Flight

* All-Speak

* Star Generation

     * Asgardians can create small orbs of light which they call "stars" that they send up into the sky at night

Magic (Cryomancy/Cryokinesis):

* Spell casting

* Ice generation and manipulation

* Ice Negation

* Manipulate the properties of ice

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