John Savage

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"He's (Ramirez) a willing chap, reminds me of my old partner in some ways." - John Savage

Biographical information

Full Name: John Savage

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Alive

Age: 66 (season 1)

Birth: 1947

Race: Human

Nationality: English

Origin: London, England


Grimsborough, USA

* Dublin, Ireland (formerly)

* London, England (formerly)

Professions: Co-owner of The Lucky Clover (in Fili's absence)

Past profession(s): MI6 Agent


James Savage (son)

* Fili Savage (son)

* Quinn Savage (wife)

* Adalet (Anders) Sadik-Halvoersn (child-in-law)

* Ahmet Savage (grandson)

* Clover Savage (grandchild) (deceased)

Partner(s): Rebecca Savage (ex-wife) (deceased)


* The Lucky Clover

* MI6 (formerly)


Height: 6"1'

Age: 66 (season 1)

Weight: 190lbs

Eyes: amber

Blood: A+

John is a near spitting image of his oldest son James if his son aged thirty years. He has short black hair that is turning gray and wrinkles surrounding his mouth and amber-like eyes. A large scar runs across his face starting up at his right temple and ending along his lower left cheek.

He often wears clean black slacks, a white dress shirt with a royal blue vest and a long black trench coat that ends just before his cap-toe oxfords.

It is known that like his son Fili, John enjoys writing Quinn love letters and poems.


A born and raised English gentleman, John Savage was raised in London, England. He is an only child with no siblings but does have a few cousins on both of his parents' sides of the family. John grew up to join MI6 as one of their undercover agents and he travelled the world performing dangerous missions.

During a stress leave from MI6, John ended up visiting Grimsborough, USA and met a woman named Rebecca. The two fell in love and eventually got married and had a son together who they named James. But as their son got older the couple began to notice that his eyes appeared to have yellow undertones in them. John, suspecting the mutation might be a result of an accident from one of his missions, left Grimsborough and went back undercover to find out more about the secret organization he'd heard about.

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