Evangeline Clayton

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 "I love my children and would do anything for them!" - Evangeline Clayton

Biographical information

Full Name: Evangeline Clayton (née Blackwood)

Alias(es): Evan Blackwood (pseudonym)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Status: Alive

Age: 47 (season 3)

Birth: 1969

Race: Human

Nationality: Scottish

Origin: West Lothian, Scotland


* Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

* West Lothian, Scotland (formerly)


* Blacksmith

* Leathersmith


* Cedric Clayton (husband)

* Eliza Clayton (daughter)

* Elliot Clayton (son)

* Esther Clayton (daughter)


* Blackwood Forge and Tannery

* SOMBRA (unwillingly & formerly)


Height: 5'5"

Age: 47 (season 3)

Weight: 134lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: A-

Evangeline is the mother of the Clayton siblings. She's also where Elliot inherited his goth style from. Her black hair is pulled into a high ponytail tied by a purple band with silver spikes wrapped around the base. She wears dark makeup consisting of black eyeliner and lipstick, which makes her sky-blue eyes stand out. Her bangs are brushed to the right side, partly obscuring her eye. While hard to see behind her hair, she wears a set of silver stud earrings.

For Evangeline's clothes, she wears fitted black jeans with a dark leather belt with a matching pouch that rests on her right hip. She has a dark green shirt, a deep purple trench coat and black high-heeled boots with silver chains hanging from her ankles. Lastly, she wears black, fingerless leather gloves, a silver engagement ring and her gold wedding band on her left hand, and a silver necklace with an amethyst stone in the middle surrounded by four thistle flowers, each flower representing a member of her family.

Per her suspect appearance in The Brave and the Dead, it is known that Evangeline eats Halo-halo, has visited the Caribbean and knows electronics.


Evangeline Clayton is a Scottish blacksmith and leatherworker married to Cedric Clayton. Together they own a mansion in Cheltenham, England, where they raise their three children: Eliza, Elliot and Esther. The couple often travels for work to meet with clients and occasionally deliver merchandise.

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