Yasemin Hanson

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Biographical information

Full Name: Yasemin Hanson

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Deceased

Age: 37 (season 3)

Birth: 1979

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Stabbed 26 times in the heart

Nationality: Turkish

Origin: Istanbul, Turkey


* Innovation Valley, Pacific Bay

* Istanbul, Turkey (formerly)

Profession(s): Accountant


* Christopher Hanson (husband) (incarcerated)

* Anna Hansson (sister-in-law)

* Hazan Tilki (mother)

* Ahmed Tilki (father) (deceased)

* Ahmet Savage (biological son) (no parental rights)


* Eclipse Technologies



Height: 5'3"

Age: 37 (season 3)

Weight: 147lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: A-

The wife of Christopher Hanson, Yasemin, was a short woman with a slim and shapely figure. Her black hair was pulled up into an updo with her bangs pinned back by shiny, silver hair clips. She had rich, dark skin and cold brown eyes with simple makeup to highlight her features. At the time of her death, she wore a pink, knee-length pencil-skirt dress with a white blazer and matching silver and red earrings and necklace.


Yasemin was the victim in Return To Killer Bay.

Before her victim appearance, she appeared as a minor character in Hanson Vs. Savage, alongside her husband as they fought against Adalet and Fili for guardianship over Ahmet. She was disappointed in herself for failing to get Ahmet back so they could initiate him into SOMBRA, but losing one child meant nothing when hundreds more were already members. So she moved on from the boy and turned her focus to building SOMBRA's power and resources.

In the following year and a half, she and Christopher continued to financially support SOMBRA through Eclipse Technologies. They were working to create new weapons and equipment for the organization to use to take over the world. But Yasemin wanted to prove herself to El Rey and earn more power within SOMBRA. So when she heard about the plan to bomb the USStay rally in San Francisco, she jumped at the chance and volunteered for the mission.

But after talking to El Rey online, the leader refused to let her do the mission, claiming she lacked the skills needed. However, the denial wouldn't deter Yasemin, so she disobeyed her orders to stay in Pacific Bay by buying a plane ticket to San Francisco. Of course, she didn't take into consideration that Christopher could see her credit card transactions, and when he discovered what she had done, he reported her insubordination to El Rey.

Christopher was ordered to kill Yasemin before she screwed up their plans. She was tricked into breaking into Zhoot Up by her husband telling her that El Rey wanted to meet them in person, a privilege few were privy to. But the leader wasn't there when they arrived (as intended), so Christoper poured them drinks to kill time.

Yasemin enjoyed her glass of whiskey while Christopher had a beer. However, as she continued to drink, she started feeling sleepy, so sleepy she struggled to keep her eyes open. She tried to tell Christopher something was wrong with her, but when she looked at him, she gasped as she saw him looming over her with their wedding cake knife raised to attack.

She tried to defend herself but was too weak to stop him. Christopher stabbed her in the heart, killing her instantly. But even with the immediate success, he continued to stab her until he was satisfied with her murder. Yasemin was furious at Christopher for killing her, she brought him into SOMBRA, and this was how he repays her?! But what hurt even more, was realizing that El Rey considered her useless after everything she did for him and SOMBRA. Now she will never see them win...

(A/n: Which we already know won't happen. But shh! That's a spoiler for them!)

Story Information

First appeared: Hanson vs. Savage


* She joined SOMBRA when she was 19

* Despite having a chocolatier for a mother, Yasemin hated chocolate in all forms

* She never loved Christopher, but she did love his money and power...

* She became an accountant to work for Eclipse Technologies and monitor the money they were secretly giving to SOMBRA

* She was going to use Hazan as a cover for her trip to San Francisco. She hoped that no one would look twice at a mother and her daughter on vacation

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