Maaike Archer

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"No. A fit of rage would have been me strangling his fat neck!" -Maaike Archer

Biographical information

Full Name: Maaike Archer

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 80 (season 3)

Birth: 1936

Race: Human

Nationality: Dutch

Origin: Amsterdam, Netherlands


* Los Angeles, California

* Amsterdam, Netherlands (formerly)

Past profession(s): Flight Attendant


* Jack Archer-Adams (grandson)

* Milan Archer-Adams (son)

* Giselle Archer-Adams (daughter-in-law)

* Lance Archer (husband) (deceased)


Height: 5'3"

Age: 80 (season 3)

Weight: 129lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: A+

Maaike Archer is an elderly woman who has become petite in her old age. Her short white hair is curly on the ends, and she has warm brown eyes. She wears comfortable black pants, a white blouse with long, flowing sleeves, a sky-blue vest with matching shoes and simple silver jewellery.

As per her suspect appearance in Call Me, Kill Me, it is known that Maaike knows electronics, has watched The Little Mermaid and has visited Galaxieland. In this suspect appearance, Maaike had a bruise on her neck.


Maaike was the killer in Call Me, Kill Me. She is also Jack's grandmother and the mother of Milan Archer-Adams.

She is a retired flight attendant who has always had a love for travelling the world and visiting other countries. She and Lance married young and later had Milan. Maaike always wanted a big family, but Lance put his foot down, claiming one kid was enough for him. But even if she didn't have more kids, Maaike treasured Milan and was like a second mother to all his friends.

She was happy to be married to a man like Lance. While he could be cold and rough around the edges, he was a good detective and father. Or at least she thought he was... While she wouldn't find out about the full extent of his misdeeds until years later, it was hard to deal with his alcoholism and explosive outbursts.

But Maaike persevered even when she was convinced that she should divorce Lance. His drinking put a strain on their marriage, but Lance kept promising her that he would quit and that he could change. Maaike had her doubts, especially when he nearly drank himself to death and ended up in the hospital on the verge of liver failure. That was the shock Lance needed to finally quit his addiction, and Maaike was able to see a brighter, happier future ahead of them.

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