Pyotr Morozov

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"I will serve the sentence proudly knowing I have aided SOMBRA! One day you will all have no choice but to follow us!" - Pyotr Morozov

Biographical information

Full Name: Pyotr Morozov

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 69 (season 3)

Birth: 1946

Race: Human

Nationality: Russian

Origin: Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russia


* Saint Petersburg, Russia

* Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russia (formerly)

Profession(s): Distiller

Affiliation(s): SOMBRA


Height: 6'1"

Age: 69 (season 3)

Weight: 205lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: A+

Hailing from Russia, Pyotr is a tall man in his late sixties. He has thinning, short white hair and clean stubble around his jawline. His brown eyes are dull from fatigue, with small eye bags underneath. He wears simple but clean clothes: a dark red shirt and brown jacket, light-washed jeans, and brown winter boots.

As per his suspect appearance in Fathers and Death, it is known that Pyotr drinks red wine, has read Fathers and Sons, and was a Young Pioneer.


Pyotr was the killer of his long-time friend and crush, Aleksey Zima. The two had known each other since they were teenagers but drifted apart when they went to different universities. After obtaining a business degree, Pyotr began working for a famous vodka distillery in Saint Petersburg.

Several years after he had last seen Aleksey, Pyotr found his friend in a bar trying to drink his life away. Pyotr, still in love with the man, offered to let Aleksey live with him, which the other greatly accepted. With Pyotr's help, Aleksey got back on his feet and eventually became the owner of a local bar.

It was at this bar that Aleksey met Natasha, and Pyotr realized that the man would never see him as more than a friend. It hurt to watch the man he loved get married and start a family, but Pyotr buried his feelings for Aleksey's sake. And so, the two drifted apart again, but Pyotr promised to always be there if Aleksey needed him.

When Pyotr was thirty, he heard rumours of a criminal organization looking for recruits. He was captivated by the idea of a world ruled by the strongest people and longed to prove his worth after so much heartache. He joined SOMBRA and became one of their first Russian agents. He was also the one to recruit Natasha into the agency despite his hatred for the woman.

And his hatred towards her only grew when Aleksey came to him after Natasha kicked him out. Pyotr comforted his friend as Aleksey mourned the loss of his wife and daughter, knowing he would never be a man they would be proud of. Once again, Pyotr opened his home to Aleksey even though he knew his love would never be returned.

Decades later, Aleksey told Pyotr that he learned his daughter had joined the Bureau after reading an article about Natasha's arrest. He talked about his desire to reconnect with Marina, and Pyotr, sensing this could be a way for SOMBRA to gain an advantage against the Bureau, supported the idea. So, the two travelled to Kazakhstan to find Marina and the Bureau.

Sadly, but not surprisingly, Aleksey failed to reconnect with his daughter. While comforting the man, Pyotr confessed his love and revealed the secret of SOMBRA. He'd hoped he could recruit Aleksey by promising the man could be happy with him in the new world. But Aleksey was appalled by the declaration of love, laughing in his friend's face. However, discovering Pyotr's allegiance to SOMBRA gave Aleksey an idea.

Aleksey planned to betray Pyotr by turning the man into the Bureau to prove his worth to Marina. He didn't care about the friend who had given him so much; he just wanted to show the world that he wasn't useless. He also hoped to win back Natasha's love by showing her he was strong enough for SOMBRA's world.

He tried to overpower Pyotr while they were at the mall, planning to knock the man out in order to deliver him to the Bureau. But Pyotr was stronger and more skilled than Aleksey and quickly took the man down. He drew his gun to defend himself, and when Aleksey charged at him, Pyotr shot him in the head.

Pyotr couldn't believe what he had done. He hadn't wanted to kill Aleksey, but the man left him no choice. He had to protect himself, and if Aleksey refused to love him after everything he had done, then he wasn't worthy of Pyotr's forgiveness or mercy.

Story Information

First appeared: Fathers and Death


* He is a skilled poet

* He knew Angela was the mole inside the Bureau; the two had met several times before

* He used to be a smoker but quit in his forties

* He was an expert at distilling flavoured vodka

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