Itzel Ramirez

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Biographical information

Full Name: Itzel Ramirez

Gender: Female

Status: Alive

Age: 6 (season 1)

Birth: 2006

Race: Human

Nationality: Mexican-Spanish

Origin: Grimsborough, USA

Residence: Grimsborough, USA


* Eduardo Ramirez (father)

* Valentina Ramirez (mother)

* Arturo Ramirez (brother)

* Lucia Ramirez (sister)

* Mariposa Ramirez (sister)


Height: 3'6"

Age: 6 (season 1)

Weight: 45lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: B-

The youngest Ramirez, Itzel is a sweet little girl with short black hair tied back by a set of pink ribbons and warm brown eyes. She wears a pink and purple hoodie, dark purple leggings, and sparkly light-up pink and white sneakers. Her pockets are always filled with random objects that she finds throughout the day that look pretty, like rocks, leaves, and flowers.


Itzel is the fourth and final child of Eduardo and Valentina Ramirez. Like the rest of her siblings, she is a minor character who appears in The Case of The Criminal. She goes to the same school as her sisters, where she loves reading time, her music classes and playing with her friends at recess.

In her free time, Itzel serves as a member of the Grimsborough Girl Scouts. She loves attending scouting events, especially those with the Grimsborough Boy Scouts because she gets to hang out with her Uncle David Jones, who volunteers with the Boy Scouts. Jones always buys a box of Girl Scout cookies from her and every other box afterwards. Itzel says her Uncle has a cookie addition, but with his help, she sells out every season, so she sees nothing wrong with his cookie obsession.

Itzel loved visiting Pacific Bay to see her father and attend her Aunt Adalet and Uncle Fili's wedding. While she had a lot of fun at the wedding, she liked spending time with just her family. They visited many beaches, went seashell hunting, built sandcastles, and even got to bury their father in the sand. But they had to dig him out before he got sunburnt.

Story Information

First appeared:

* Bomb Alert on Grimsborough (cameo)

* Happy Birthday to You! (first speaking role)


* She was diagnosed with level 1 autism (commonly known as high-function autism) near the end of her first year in school

     * She doesn't let people underestimate her because of her autism and shows them that kids with disabilities can do things just like "normal" kids can

* She loves the colours pink and purple

* She and Avi Douglas are close friends despite her being a year older than the boy

* After hearing about how her father took down a criminal with a frying pan, Itzel began practicing how to use a frying pan as a weapon

     * It has resulted in multiple people getting hit in the knees by a frying pan, followed by the little girl tearfully apologizing while sticking colourful bandages on the person's bruises

* Itzel loves baking with her mother, especially when making traditional Mexican or Spanish desserts like Conchas and Churros

* Arturo got them matching noise-cancelling headphones to help Itzel when she gets overwhelmed. He got himself a pair because his sister was scared to wear them at first, so he told her they could be headphone buddies!

     * Arturo also made Itzel several music playlists for her to listen to to help her sensory issues. They range from calming tunes to Itzel's favourite songs from children's movies

* She loves going on walks with Lucia around town and visiting the playground by their house. Her older sister taught her how to swing and promised to show her how to use the monkey bars once she was old enough

* Itzel loves listening to Mariposa read her stories, even if her sister is reading them for school. Mariposa does different voices for the characters and knows how to bring the stories to life for her little sister

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