Francisco Cantú

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Biographical information

Full Name: Francisco Cantú

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Status: Deceased

Age: 41 (season 1)

Birth: 1972

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Shot in the head

Nationality: Mexican

Origin: Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico


* Grimsborough, USA

* Ivywood, Pacific Bay, USA (formerly)

* Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico (formerly)

Profession(s): Actor


* Natasha Cantú (wife)

* Three unnamed ex-wives


Height: 5'8"

Age: 41 (season 1)

Weight: 169lbs

Eyes: hazel

Blood: AB-

Hailing from Mexico, Francisco was a handsome man in his early forties with warm bronze skin and slicked-back jet-black hair. At the time of his death, he wore a pair of brown slacks, black dress shoes, and a navy blue trench coat over a white shirt.


Francisco was the victim of Jolly Old Killer.

He was a childhood friend of Eduardo Ramirez. The two had immigrated to Grimsborough when they were twelve, just months apart. Ramirez always said that Francisco was better at everything they did, and he knew his friend would go places. So it wasn't surprising to anyone when Francisco announced he wanted to become an actor.

In college, Francisco and Ramirez met Valentina Cruz. The men helped her adjust to the culture shock of moving from Spain to the USA, and became friends. Valentina and Francisco briefly dated, but her heart belonged to Ramirez. The two broke up, and Ramirez and Valentina began dating, with Francisco hiding his jealousy.

After graduation, Francisco moved to Ivywood to begin his acting career. He was immediately successful and became a well-known star. But his fame wouldn't come without heartache. He would have failed relationship after relationship, never able to let go of his love for Valentina.

After getting married for a fourth time to Natasha, Francisco decided to step back from the spotlight. He wanted to see if he was ready to retire, so he bought a house in Maple Heights and moved there with his wife.

Once back in Grimsborough, Francisco found that he couldn't stop thinking about Valentina even more. He contacted his ex-girlfriend to see if they could rekindle their old romance. But Valentina informed him that her love for him had died and she only saw him as a friend.

But Francisco wasn't going to take no for an answer this time. He tried to win Valentina's love by sending her flowers from Fili's shop, but the woman stood firm in her decision. She loved Ramirez, and he loved her. And no amount of flowers would change that.

Speaking of Ramirez, he found out about his childhood friend trying to steal his wife. He confronted Francisco at Fili's shop to get him to let go of his delusions, but Francisco was persistent. Eventually, Fili had to escort Ramirez out of his shop before someone got hurt.

Days later, Francisco is killed by his wife. He was planning to divorce her, but Natasha needed his money for her family; that was the only reason she had married him in the first place. So she killed him to try and inherit his fortune, but unbeknownst to her, he had his Will redone so that nothing would go to her.

After Alex analyzed Francisco's finances, it was discovered that the man's fortune was divided into four parts following his death. One to his mother, another to his father, one to charity, and lastly to Valentina and Eduardo Ramirez. Even if the three had grown apart, Francisco always valued their friendship and wanted to repay the couple for supporting and loving him.

Francisco might not have gotten Valentina back as a lover, but she and Ramirez will never forget what Francisco did for them by putting them in his Will. With the money, Valentina could finance her dream of opening a fencing studio to teach anyone who wanted to learn the art of fencing. The couple is forever grateful to their friend and wish they could have celebrated their successes together one last time.

Story Information

First appeared: Jolly Old Killer


* He was a runner for his university track and field team

* He tried to become a musician but stuck with acting after realizing he couldn't write songs

* He had cosmetic surgery multiple times and Botox injections to remove wrinkles

* He would send the Ramirez children presents for their birthdays and Christmas until he, Valentina, and Ramirez grew out of touch after turning thirty

* He and Ramirez are from the same city in Mexico but didn't meet until moving to Grimsborough

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