Heather Queen

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"Oh, yes! Why, Gray is the one who helped me start up my... new business, such a handsome young man... he did a lot for me." - Heather Queen

Biographical information

Full Name: Heather Queen

Alias(es): Hotshot Queen

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 58 (season 1)

Birth: 1955

Race: Human

Nationality: American

Origin: Chicago, Illinois, USA


* Grimsborough, USA

* Chicago, Illinois, USA (formerly)

Profession(s): Drug Dealer

Family: Summer Queen (niece)


Height: 6'0"

Age: 58 (season 1)

Weight: 145lbs

Eyes: green

Blood: AB-

Heather is a tall woman in her late fifties with short platinum blonde hair and sharp green eyes. She dresses like a trophy wife from a sixties movie, with a long red dress and a fur housecoat hanging loosely off her frame. Her jewelry is equally as extravagant, with rocks the size of ping pong balls in dazzling colours on her jewelry.


Heather was a suspect in the murder of Gray White. She was a drug queen who used to operate in Chicago until she was caught and arrested. She spent a few years in prison before her lawyers managed to get her out early on a technicality, and she proudly walked free. She moved to Grimsborough for a fresh start and to find new clients.

She knew Gray had returned to Grimsborough years prior, and Heather looked forward to... catching up on lost time with him. The two had a special business relationship, one that Heather enjoyed immensely. Gray was young, strong, and good-looking... It didn't hurt that he was exceptional at following orders, either.

Approaching Gray with the offer to join her new business was simple; the man needed money for his daughter's medication, and Heather offered him an easy way to get it. Plus, she was feeling generous and decided to pay him for... Extra services. The private kind.

Heather knows Gray was ashamed to sell his body for money, but he loved his daughter more than his pride. And the nights they spent together were filled with passionate lovemaking... Even after years apart, Gray still knew how to light Heather's fire. She never wanted their private time to end... But then, two officers arrived to inform her that Gray was dead, burned so badly he was unrecognizable.

Of course, Heather's love for handsome men couldn't be stopped even when grieving for Gray. She was enchanted by the man who had come to interrogate her. The woman... Not so much. Sure, the female officer was beautiful, but Heather wasn't attracted to women, so she was much more interested in her partner.

Though she might not have been if she had known Nathan had been calling her a bitch in Hindi...

Heather would be proven innocent of Gray's murder, but that didn't mean she wouldn't be going to prison for other reasons. After Adalet and Nathan made a search of her house and discovered drugs, Heather was arrested for possession and sent back to prison. She was furious at being locked up and forced to wear the hideous orange jumpsuits again, but she knows her lawyers would get her out early, just like before. It was only a matter of time...

(Spoiler alert, Heather will serve her entire sentence. Chief King ensured there was no way for her to get an early release after finding out about her inappropriate behaviour towards Nathan and disrespect of Adalet.)

Story Information

First appeared: Harvest Murder


* She's a cougar

* Even though she sold drugs, she rarely consumed them herself. She preferred alcohol

* She financially endorsed her niece's BDSM club and would visit whenever she was in Chicago

* When she heard that Summer had been arrested for murder, she was disappointed, but she was proud of her niece for ridding the world of such a disgusting man

* She has had plastic surgery and uses a LOT of makeup to keep herself looking young

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