Will Murphy

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 "Can't a guy visit his favourite cousin without a reason?" - Will Murphy

Biographical information

Full Name: William "Will" Murphy

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Status: Alive (Incarcerated)

Age: 28 (season 1)

Birth: 1985

Race: Human

Nationality: Canadian

Origin: Montreal, Canada


* Montreal, Canada

* Grimsborough, USA (formerly)

Profession(s): Videographer


* Renée Murphy (aunt) (deceased)

* Noël Murphy (mother)

* Pièrre Bouchard (step-father)

* Adalet Anders Sadik-Halvorsen (fake cousin)


Height: 6'0"

Age: 28 (season 1)

Weight: 180lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: O-

Will is a tall man, 6 foot on the dot, with tanned skin from hours spent working in the sun and unruly dark chocolate-coloured hair. He has dark blue eyes and dresses in a pair of jeans, a black unbuttoned flannel-type jacket, work boots and a white tee. He also has a bit of stubble on his face from often forgetting to shave in the morning.

As per his suspect appearance in Wost of Wives and Worst of Women, it is known that Will is athletic, has listened to the musical Hamilton's soundtrack and likes maple syrup.


Born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Will is the son of Noël Murphy and the stepson of Pièrre Bouchard. His birth father died before he was born, so Pièrre is the only father he's ever known. Will's mother met Pièrre when her son was five, and the three connected over a shared love of movies.

This long-time love of film is what led to Will deciding he wanted to become a filmmaker.

Will met his "cousin" for the first time when he was ten years old. He had never met his aunt Renée, but his mother always told him that her sister was single and never wanted kids. So it surprised everyone when Renée showed up at a family reunion, married and with a 9-year-old daughter. Will was just excited to have someone he could play with.

Will and Adalet often played together after school and on weekends. He found his new cousin acted weird, but he didn't question it. Aunt Renée told him it was because Adalet grew up in another country, so their customs were different than those in Canada.

He also sometimes saw a strange man with golden eyes at special events Adalet participated in. But every time Will tried to point him out; the man seemed to disappear. Eventually, Will forgot about the golden-eyed man after Adalet told him he was seeing things.

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