Illia Leblanc

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Biographical information

Full Name: Illia Leblanc

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Status: Deceased

Age: 38 (season 2)

Birth: 1976

Race: Human

Cause of Death: Drowned in a pool of acid water

Nationality: Canadian-Russian

Origin: Montreal, Canada

Residence: Montreal, Canada

Profession(s): Olympic Figure Skater

Partner(s): Sephora Levesque (ex-wife)

Affiliation(s): Olympics (formerly)


Height: 6'0"

Age: 38 (season 2)

Weight: 196lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: B-

A gold-medal Olympian, Illia had pale skin and curly brown hair that framed his handsome face. At the time of his death, he wore tight black pants that ended just above his skates with a long-sleeved white shirt tucked into them. He had a red sequin vest with gold buttons and black fingerless gloves.


Illia Leblanc was the victim in Dying for the Gold. He had travelled to White Peaks to perform a farewell show with his old skating partner Adalet. Illia was ready to step back from the spotlight and start a career teaching the next generation how to figure skate. But no one, least of all him, could have foreseen that dream never becoming a reality.

Illia never thought that his ex-wife would kill him. His and Sephora's divorce had been messy, but only because she made it that way. She had accused him of cheating on her with Adalet and refused to believe either of them when they claimed they had never slept together. There were never any romantic feelings between Illia and Adalet; they were partners on the ice and friends off it, but nothing more. The two trusted each other during their performances, but their relationship never developed past friendship.

Despite Illia and Adalet's attempts to make Sephora see the truth, the woman wouldn't listen to them, and the divorce went through. Illia was heartbroken to lose his wife, but he couldn't deny Sephora had changed since her accident. She had gotten chemicals dumped on her shoulder, which created a nasty scar and caused nerve damage. Sephora insisted that she could still compete in the Olympics with Illia, but he and the doctors told her that due to the injury she sustained, she'd never be able to perform to that level of difficulty.

However, Sephora misinterpreted their words and thought they were saying she was now too ugly to compete because of the scarring. That wasn't the case, but sadly, Sephora refused to see past her delusions. So, while Sephora shut herself out from the world, Illia continued to pursue his dreams of winning an Olympic gold medal.

Illia had planned to compete as a sole skater now that Sephora was out of the competition, but one day while practicing at the rink, he met Adalet. The two began practicing together, and eventually, their coaches convinced them to compete together. The two entered the Olympics as partners and won the gold, beating their competitors with their complex, jaw-dropping routine.

After Illia came home with his gold medal, Sephora served him the divorce papers. He agreed to the terms, and they parted ways, Sephora returning to Pacific Bay while he stayed in Montreal. When he decided it was time to retire his skates, he chose to put on one last show in the place where he was discovered, White Peaks.

Adalet and their friend Mathieu Gagnon helped him put the show together, and Illia skated one last time with his partner. But no one knew that Sephora had gone to the rink shortly before the performance and poured acid into the water under the ice. She watched from behind the stands as the ice cracked and shattered, sending her ex-husband and his partner to a burning, watery grave.

Thankfully, Illia felt the ice cracking under his skates as he and Adalet danced. Even if he didn't know about the acid, he knew the chances of both of them making it to the shore were slim from where they stood, so he threw Adalet across the ice seconds before it gave way beneath him. Sadly, Illia quickly succumbed to the acid in the water that burned his lungs before he could even process what was happening. And yet, he died, relieved to know Adalet didn't follow him to the afterlife as she didn't deserve to be a second victim in his murder.

Story Information

First appeared: Dying for the Gold


* The title of the case he appears in is a play on the phrase "going for the gold"

* If compared to the IRL Olympics, he and Adalet would have competed in the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, US

* I made him Canadian-Russian because, in the 2002 Winter Olympics, Canada and Russia shared the gold medal in pair skating

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