Christopher Hanson

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"This isn't over! SOMBRA with rule, and you will be the first to go! You will never live to see the new world, but I will! And I will take my rightful place as a king among mankind!" - Christopher Hanson

Biographical information

Full Name: Christopher Hanson

Alias(es): Kristofer Hansson (birth name)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 39 (season 3)

Birth: 1977

Race: Human

Nationality: Swedish

Origin: Stockholm, Sweden


* Innovation Valley, Pacific Bay

* Stockholm, Sweden (formerly)

Profession(s): CEO of Eclipse Technologies


* Yesamin Hanson (wife) (deceased)

* Anna Hansson (sister)

* Unnamed niece

* Ingrid Bjorn (cousin)

* Hazan Tilki (mother-in-law)

* Ahmed Tilki (father-in-law) (deceased)

* Ahmet Savage (biological son) (no parental rights)


* Eclipse Technologies (formerly)



Height: 6'1"

Age: 39 (season 3)

Weight: 168lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: A+

The husband of Yasmin Hanson, Christopher, is a handsome man in his late thirties, but his face is usually adorned with a scowl that ruins his good looks. He is pale, but not sickly pale, with neatly trimmed short brown hair. He is cleanly shaved, and simple, black-framed glasses sit before his cold blue eyes.

In his suspect appearance in Return to Killer Bay, he wears blue jeans, sneakers, a brown shirt and a gray jacket. As per this suspect appearance, it is known that Christopher eats beignets, uses bath salts, and takes sleeping pills.


Christopher was the killer of his wife, Yasemin Hanson, in Return to Killer Bay.

He first appeared in Hanson vs. Savage when he and Yasemin fought for custody of Ahmet Savage. The two had abandoned the boy after Yasemin travelled to the US to find Christopher. Ahmet believed he had been abandoned because his parents didn't want him, but the truth was Christopher and Yasemin were SOMBRA, had deemed him weak and refused to raise a weak child. They left him in Inner City, hoping that forcing him to live on the streets would make him strong enough for SOMBRA to enhance him, but Adalet adopted the boy before they could take him back.

After losing the custody battle, Christopher and Yasemin continued their work for SOMBRA. His company, Eclipse Technologies, privately funded SOMBRA and conducted research on their behalf. They were also about to start developing weapons for mass production, but fortunately, that plan was stopped after Christopher's arrest and Clayton Tech's takeover of Eclipse Technologies.

Christopher returned in the case Return to Killer Bay after his wife Yasemin had been found dead inside Léon Toussaint's bar, Zhoot Up. During his first interrogation, he played the innocent, grieving husband. He told the investigators that he hadn't seen his wife since she went out drinking with friends the night before, assuming she had slept over at one of their houses.

Later, it was discovered that Christopher was Ingrid's estranged cousin who had cut ties with their family shortly after marrying Yasemin. But even with his secret revealed, Christopher continued to act innocent, claiming that Yasemin's plans to leave him were just a midlife crisis she was having. In reality, she had intended to go to San Francisco to prove herself to El Rey and show SOMBRA that she was still valuable.

Unfortunately, El Rey had already decided Yasemin was no longer valuable and had become a liability to SOMBRA. El Rey ordered Christopher to kill his wife before she did something to jeopardize their plans. After tricking Yasemin into meeting him at Zhoot Up after hours by lying about it being a meeting with El Rey, Christopher prepared himself to kill her. Of course, the leader wasn't at the bar, but by the time Yasemin had realized it was a trap, it was too late; Christopher had drugged her and raised his weapon to attack.

He thought killing her using the cake knife from their wedding was fitting. The silver blade stabbed in and out of Yasemin's chest just as smoothly as it had cut their wedding cake. What had once symbolized their love and union with each other and with SOMBRA would now bring an end to Yasemin's life.

Christopher left Yasemin's body in the bar hoping to frame Léon for the murder. But his plan would fail once Amy and Jack arrested him. He cursed the Bureau and PBPD for sending him to jail, but he was confident that SOMBRA would finally rise and take their rightful place as rulers of the world, and he would be freed. He was so confident that he agreed to sign over his company to Cedric Clayton after getting the chance to speak with Ahmet.

He was disappointed that the boy had let himself become brainwashed by the Bureau, but he was sure that after SOMBRA took over, he could make Ahmet see reason, and they could become a family. All he needed to do now was be patient and wait for SOMBRA to set him free from his cell so that he could take his rightful place beside El Rey as a king among humanity.

Story Information

First appeared: Hanson vs. Savage


* He used to work for Meteor Systems as an intern during university but quit after graduation to start his own company

* His family disowned him after finding out he was SOMBRA and had abandoned Ahmet

* He Americanized his name to fit in better (and because the Ingrid connection was made after his introduction and since he was initially going to be American, I had to make changes to fit his new nationality)

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