André Santos

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"This cove will be so clean, you'll never think a party was held here! Eu prometo! ... Just after I get some people to help me!" - André Santos

Biographical information

Full Name: André Santos

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Status: Alive

Age: 24 (season 4)

Birth: 1866

Race: Human

Nationality: Brazilian

Origin: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Residence: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Profession(s): Musician


* Maria Sadik (granddaughter)

* Aslan Sadik-Halvorsen (great-grandson)

* Adalet Anders Sadik-Halvorsen (great-great-grandchild)

* Ahmet Savage (great-great-great-grandson)


Height: 5'8"

Age: 24 (season 4)

Weight: 139lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: O-

André, a travelling musician, is a tall young man with darkened skin, brown eyes, and short, curly black hair. He wears all-white clothes, including pants, a loose shirt, and a vest. The only colour he wears is his black shoes. He also has a white rose tucked behind his ear.

As per his suspect appearance in Ring In The New Death, it is known that André eats panettone, drinks champagne, and knows Auld Lang Syne.


Hailing from Brazil, André appears as a suspect in Ring In The New Death. He had travelled to Concordia as his first destination in the United States after having already visited several countries in South America. He plans to visit as many states as possible before heading to Canada. After seeing all he wants of the Americas, he'll return to Brazil.

While sailing to North America, André made plenty of new friends. Two of whom were Tomioka Takara and Romulus Fabbri. The former was a fellow performer and lover of music, and they became fast friends after learning about each other's occupations. The latter didn't form a friendship as quickly as Takara had, but Romulus got into André's good graces after fixing his tambourine.

Once the ship docked in Concordia, André found work to earn money to continue his travelling. Most of what he did was busking on the streets for coins, but sometimes, people would hire him for events if his music impressed them. That's how he got the job performing for a New Year's Eve party at the New Haven Cove. Romulus bragged about his skills to the people hosting and got André the gig, hoping to win the Brazilian over. But André wasn't attracted to the inventor and assumed he was being a good friend and helping André find work.

A few days before the party, Romulus asked if André would return the favour for helping him get the gig. André agreed, but perhaps he should have asked for more information before saying yes... What Romulus was asking seemed innocent enough. He requested André and Takara do a street performance for the citizens of New Haven. The performers agreed and put on the show the night Romulus had told them to have it, but to their shock, the police suddenly interrupted their performance, claiming they were under arrest.

André and Takara fled, and Constable Ramirez caught the Brazilian a few blocks from the scene. Thankfully for André, Ramirez believed his story of not knowing that Romulus was planning to rob a shop while the performers were distracting people. He wasn't arrested, but André found out Takara hadn't been so lucky after meeting Romulus the next day. André tried to convince the inventor to help him bail the woman out, but Romulus refused. So, André busked on the streets until he had collected enough money to bail Takara out of jail.

Following Takara's release, New Year's Eve was upon Concordia and André and Romulus attended the party at New Haven Cove. At some point during the party, Romulus disappeared, but André didn't think much of it. It wasn't until detectives from the Flying Squad informed him of his friend's death that he learned why Romulus hadn't come back. André mourned his friend's death, but he wasn't heartbroken. Romulus had betrayed him and Takara when he left them to take the fall for his crimes. While André was willing to give Romulus a second chance, he revoked that offer when he found out Romulus had refused to clear Takara's name and tried to kill her following the murder trial.

It made André sad to see Takara go back to prison, this time for a crime she committed. He knows how much she hates the palace, but sadly, he can't bail her out this time. He wishes he could do something to change his friend's fate, but there was nothing he could do to save her. But Takara always told him to follow his dreams, and that's what André will do. He'll miss performing with Takara, but he'll never forget his friend as he continues his musical journey, nor will he after returning to Brazil.

Story Information

First appeared: Ring In The New Death


* He's travelling across South and North America to learn about music from other cultures. Once he's visited everywhere he wants to see, he'll return to Brazil to settle down and start a family

* He can play a wide variety of instruments, but his favourite ones are percussion, like the pandeiro, agogô, and repinique

* Like his descendants, André's personality can be a little chaotic. But given the time period he lives in, he's nowhere near as bad as others

* André is the Portuguese version of Andrew. Likewise, Andres is the Norwegian version of Andrew. I'm not sure if this means Star is named after their ancestor or the other way around since Star technically came before André if we're talking IRL time...

A/N: And that's everyone for now! There will be more OCs soonish, so stay tuned for their debuts in my story!

In the meantime, I finally got around to updating my old profiles! Everyone SHOULD be updated now with their season 3 information, but if I missed anything (like a relative or something), please let me know, and I'll add it later!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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