Summer Queen

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"He had it coming! He only had himself to blame! If you'd been there, if you'd have seen it, I betcha you would have done the same!" - Summer Queen

Biographical information

Full Name: Summer Queen

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Polysexual

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 30 (season 3)

Birth: 1986

Race: Human

Nationality: American

Origin: Chicago, Illinois, USA


* McMurdo Station, Antarctica

* Chicago, Illinois, USA (formerly)


* Dental Assistant

* BDSM Dominatrix

Family: Heather Queen (aunt)

Partner(s): Emil Gunnarsson (boyfriend) (deceased)

Affiliation(s): McMurdo Station


Height: 5'5"

Age: 30 (season 3)

Weight: 135lbs

Eyes: blue

Blood: AB-

A dental assistant by day and a dominatrix by night, Summer has tanned skin, blue eyes, colourful makeup, and long blond hair that she clips away from her face with a pink claw clip. She wears black scrubs and a blue parka.

As per her suspect appearance in Death Below Zero, it is known that Summer has survival training, eats ice cream, and is in contact with penguins.


Summer was the killer of her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Emil Gunnarsson, in Death Below Zero.

Before moving to Antarctica, Summer worked as an assistant at a dental office in Chicago. But her true passion wasn't caring for people's teeth, but rather something more... Sexy. When not working as a dental assistant, Summer operated a private BDSM club that served exclusive, high-paying clients.

She was the head dominatrix but had others who worked underneath her. They would bring people's sex fantasies to life, and there was someone for almost every type of fetish. Her business was good, and the clients always came back, including Emil.

Summer met Emil when he moved to the USA for a new life. He lied about what he went to prison for, claiming his ex-wife planted drugs on him to get him arrested for possession so she could divorce him, take their kids away and move in with the man she'd cheated on him with. Summer's business thrives on not asking too many questions, so she never pried further. As Emil continued to see Summer for her services, she began offering him private sessions, enjoying the man's high pain tolerance and listening to his beautiful screams.

When Summer moved to Antarctica to assist the dentists, she discovered that Emil's ex-wife Anna was the station manager. Since Summer had been led to believe that Anna was the villain of the marriage, she contacted Emil to tell him she'd found Anna.

Emil soon joined Summer at McMurdo station. And while the two continued having fun wherever they could, Emil schemed to get revenge. Summer offered to help him, but he refused, saying he needed to do it alone.

But even with all their sexy meet-ups, all was not well for the pair. Since Emil was so focused on his revenge, he grew annoyed at Summer for her constant presence. He ordered her to leave him alone, but Summer is not a woman who takes orders from anyone. The two fought, ending with Summer slapping Emil before storming out.

Later that night, hours after the fight, Summer went to Emil's quarters to see if he was ready to beg for her forgiveness. But the pilot was nowhere to be found; however, she did find his laptop left open and his emails on the screen. Curious about why Emil was so high-strung, she scrolled through his recent emails. And what she discovered filled her with rage.

She found emails between Emil and a few of her highest-paying clients, claiming he was going to buy her business and was looking for them to endorse him. Emil detailed his plans to take over her club and turn it into a brothel, making her and the other dominatrixes weak little whores.

There was no way Summer would allow Emil to hurt her or her girls. So she confronted him in the storage room to tell him he'd never succeed and she would make sure of it. Emil laughed and tried attacking her, but Summer knew all his weaknesses. She knocked him out with a paint can and tied him to the crates.

Emil woke up as Summer was prying his mouth open, but the man couldn't scream for help. Emil was helpless as Summer forced him to drink paint, and his stomach and lungs quickly filled with the foul-smelling liquid. He soon drowned from the paint, and Summer made sure to leave marks on him by beating him with the paint cans.

It would be during his murder investigation that Summer would learn the truth about Emil and Anna's relationship. She was shocked to find out he had abused and nearly killed Anna when she was pregnant. She couldn't believe the monster Emil was, and while she felt like a fool for loving him, she was proud that he couldn't hurt anyone like how he hurt Anna.

Summer was disappointed in herself for getting caught but was even more disappointed that the sexy, golden-eyed agent wasn't interested in her. But while she didn't catch the agent's eye, Summer knows she will be able to get lots of new playmates in prison. All she needs now is to get her hands on a guard's handcuffs...

Story Information

First appeared: Death Below Zero


* An old coworker of mine inspired her. And yes, I did not like this coworker. We celebrated when she left

     * Not really, but we were VERY happy to see her go!

* I put her hair up with a claw clip because; I swear, every dental assistant, nurse, etc. I know puts their hair up with one of them!

* Her name, Summer Queen, is a reference to the Snow Queen

* Her quote is a line from the song Cell Block Tango from the musical Chicago

* MyFaceHasNumbers (Ticcory) suggested that I make Summer related to an old OC (Heather Queen) to whom I had unintentionally given the same surname. So I made Heather Summer's aunt

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