Liv Haugen

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"Did someone replace the complementary Dunder Salts with rocks again?" - Liv Haugen

Biographical information

Full Name: Liv Haugen

Gender: Demigirl

Sexuality: Biromantic/Asexual

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 29 (season 3)

Birth: 1986

Race: Human

Nationality: Norwegian

Origin: Oslo, Norway

Residence: Oslo, Norway

Profession(s): Museum Manager

Past profession(s): Makeup Artist

Family: unnamed sister

Affiliation(s): Fram Museum


Height: 5'6"

Age: 29 (season 3)

Weight: 136lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: B+

Hailing from Oslo, Norway, Liv Haugen is a woman of average height with short curly black hair and warm brown eyes. Her most eye-catching feature is vitiligo, stark contrasting patches of white and dark skin all over her body. She wears a simple black dress with a name tag on the life side reading "Liv Haugen" and sunglasses slipped onto her collar. A pair of modest black heels and simple jewelry complete her outfit.

As per her suspect appearance in Beauty is Dead, it is known that Liv gets manicures, eats Dunder Salts and drinks coffee.


Liv was the killer of Bell Beauty in Beauty is Dead. Before being incarcerated, she was a manager at a local museum the victim had visited. Liv thought she would never see Bell again after returning to Norway, but the second she saw the beauty influencer, all the anger Liv had toward Bell came boiling up to the surface. It also didn't help that Bell disturbed the exhibits, further annoying Liv.

Back during her time as a beauty student in America, Liv and Bell were classmates. Bell was jealous of Liv's talent for makeup and hated how someone with vitiligo was considered prettier than her. She vowed to stop Liv from graduating and sabotage the Norwegian's tools and makeup for the final exam.

Liv managed to make do with the damaged tools, but sadly, unknown to everyone, Bell had put liquid latex in Liv's makeup. Liv applied the makeup to her sister's (who volunteered to be Liv's model) face like she usually did. But when she went to apply the eyeshadow, they noticed something was wrong with Liv's sister.

The model's face had begun swelling rapidly due to the latex tainting the foundation. Liv's sister is severely allergic to latex and was quickly going into shock from her reaction. Paramedics were immediately called, and they managed to stabilize the model before her throat swelled shut.

Liv failed the exam but was offered the chance to retake it. She politely declined, deciding to move back to Norway to help her sister recover, feeling responsible for what had happened. It wasn't until a few months later, when another past classmate contacted her that she learned the truth.

Bell had told the classmate what she had done to Liv's makeup. Liv was furious when she learned that Bell was responsible for her sister almost dying. She swore she would one day get her revenge for Bell destroying her sister's self-esteem and life all because she couldn't handle a "beast" being able to look pretty.

And one day, she got the chance. Bell was in Norway with some friends for promotional work, and Liv began plotting her revenge after they visited the museum. She first got her hands on a banned foundation that Bell said she was allergic to. After transferring the product into a different bottle, she gifted it to Bell, pretending to forgive her for what she had done.

Bell was either too stupid or narcissistic to realize the lie, but either way, Liv's plan was put into action. After Bell had applied the foundation, Liv followed her and Ariel to the park. When Ariel stepped away for a phone call, Bell noticed her reflection in the fountain's water. She was horrified by the ugly red bumps on her skin and tried to wash the makeup off.

But her vanity would finally be her undoing. With Bell distracted, Liv snuck up behind her and attacked her with a rock. She cracked open Bell's skull, and while the woman wailed in pain, Liv drew her sharpened cuticle pusher and stabbed Bell's neck, piercing her carotid artery. As Bell bled to death, Liv dumped her body into the fountain and enjoyed watching the water turn red.

Later, when Carmen and Jack arrested her for her crime, Liv showed no remorse for what she'd done. Bell's name may mean beauty, but she was the ugliest beast Liv had ever met. Beauty isn't just about outward appearances; it's also about what's on the inside. Sadly, Bell's insides had no beauty to be found, and Liv is proud that the world will finally see Bell for the beast she is.

Story Information

First appeared: Beauty is Dead


* I got the inspiration for her from when I used to watch beauty tutorials on Youtube

* She used to be bullied because of her vitiligo

* She first got into makeup to try and hide her mixed skin tones, but eventually, she began to embrace her differences and used her makeup skills to accentuate her features

* She dabbled in special effects makeup

* She wanted to become a professional makeup artist for models and the film industry, but after her sister was hospitalized, she gave it up to stay home and help her recover

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