Milan Archer-Adams

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"I am! And you're Adalet and Fili from the Bureau! My son's told me all about your adventures!" - Milan Archer-Adams

Biographical information

Full Name: Milan Archer-Adams

Nickname(s): Mickey

Gender: Transgender (female to male)

Sexuality: Dеmiѕехual

Status: Alive

Age: 51 (season 3)

Birth: 1965

Race: Human

Nationality: Dutch-American

Origin: Los Angeles, USA

Residence: Los Angeles, USA

Profession(s): Voice Actor


* Jack Archer-Adams (son)

* Giselle Archer-Adams (wife)

* Lance Archer (father) (deceased)

* Maaike Archer (mother) (incarcerated)

Affiliation(s): The Astraea Galaxie Company


Height: 5'7"

Age: 51 (season 3)

Weight: 156lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: A+

Milan is his son's height but much more slender than Jack, with soft stubble on his jaw and brown eyes. Jack and his father also have similar haircuts, though Milan's hair is a darker brown with graying sides. He wears a black shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and tucked into dark jeans, a dark red binder, red suspenders, and black sneakers with yellow laces. He also has a small black leather backpack with rounded mouse ears and a red pouch on the front featuring two white circles.

As per his suspect appearance in Call Me, Kill Me, it is known that Milan knows electronics, has watched The Little Mermaid and has visited Galaxieland. In this suspect appearance, Milan had a bruise beside his left eye.


Milan is the father of Jack Archer and appears as a suspect in his father's murder.

He grew up in LA with his father, Lance and mother, Maaike. His father was one of the most famous detectives in the LAPD and was known for taking on the most challenging cases. His mother was a flight attendant who travelled the world, bringing back souvenirs for her son from wherever she visited.

As a child, Milan's life was normal. He went to school, hung out with his friends, and did the things he loved to do. But his life changed when his mother returned to work full-time. Lance became short-tempered and violent towards Milan when Maaike wasn't around to keep him calm and happy. Being alone in the house with his father was like living with a ticking bomb for Milan; he never knew when Lance would blow up or what would cause him to receive a beating.

But life wasn't always bad for Milan. When he went to university, he met Giselle Adams. The two felt an instant connection but still took their new relationship slow. It was also around this time that Milan was questioning his gender and sexuality, something he learned Giselle was going through, too. Together, they helped discover who they really were and supported each other's transitions.

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