Malaya Mendoza

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"You can lock me in your strongest prison, but one day, SOMBRA will free me, and I will come for your head first!" - Malaya Mendoza

Biographical information

Full Name: Malaya Mendoza

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Semibisexual

Status: Incarcerated

Age: 59 (season 3)

Birth: 1957

Race: Human

Nationality: Filipino

Origin: Manila, Philippines


* Manila, Philippines

* Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom (formerly)

Profession(s): Nanny



* The Moon Family

* The Clayton Family (formerly)


Height: 5'6"

Age: 59 (season 3)

Weight: 138lbs

Eyes: green

Blood: A-

Hailing from Manila, Philippines, Malaya is a woman in her late fifties with tanned skin and brown hair pulled into a low ponytail streaked with strands of white and gray with wrinkles framing her green eyes and a small scar visible on the side of her neck. She wears high-waisted jeans, a brown button-up shirt tucked into them, a beige cardigan, and comfortable, slip-on brown shoes. For accessories, Malaya has silver hoop earrings dangling from her ears and a brown leather watch on her left wrist.

Per her suspect appearance in The Brave and The Dead, it is known that Malaya eats halo-halo, has visited the Caribbean, and knows electronics.


Malaya was the killer in The Brave and The Dead.

She was a SOMBRA agent sent to watch the Clayton family under the guise of being the children's nanny. SOMBRA forced Cedric to hire her, and she kept an eye on him and his wife to ensure they followed orders. She hated having to take care of children, but she knew SOMBRA would reward her for her work.

Malaya knew that Cedric had hired Wilfred to protect the children. She acted like she didn't know and monitored the butler who monitored her. She knew that if Wilfred attacked her, she could easily take him down. She was younger, faster, stronger, and more agile than the butler. He might have had more experience, but she had skills he never could.

But eventually, the Clayton children grew up, and her nanny services were no longer required. She tried to work elsewhere in the mansion, she was even willing to serve as a maid, but Cedric managed to avoid all of her suggestions. And so she reluctantly left England, but not without hiding countless surveillance bugs around the Clayton home.

Malaya's next assignment for SOMBRA was to infiltrate the Moon family. The Moons were incredibly wealthy and highly influential; if SOMBRA could get them on their side, they would gain a new advantage against the Bureau. She became their nanny and slowly earned their trust, beginning with the children, especially the Moons' only son, Theo.

After becoming trustworthy, Malaya accompanied the Moons on a trip to her home country, the Philippines. She stayed in her personal home while the Moons were in a hotel. Malaya got word from SOMBRA that the Claytons would also be arriving in Manila and was ordered to remind Cedric and Evangeline what would happen if they disobeyed orders.

Malaya was prepared to use the Claytons' daughters against them and was plotting a way to kidnap Eliza and Esther. But she knew she would need to get Wilfred out of the way, so she followed the butler to Fort Santiago. When the time was right, she attacked, tasing him to overpower him before slicing Wilfred's throat open, leaving the man to bleed out while she fled.

She was sure she would get away with killing Wilfred, so Malaya was furious when she was arrested. She was even more enraged when the Bureau's mole informed her that the Claytons were now under the agency's protection and SOMBRA wouldn't be able to use Clayton Technologies anymore. Malaya swore she would be freed from her prison once SOMBRA took over the world and vowed revenge against those who put her there, starting with the Claytons.

Story Information

First appeared: The Brave and The Dead


* Her name means "free." This is ironic because she is now in prison for the rest of her life

* She tried to build trust with the Clayton and Moon children in hopes that when SOMBRA took over the world, they would ally with them

* She was one of the SOMBRA agents who attacked Cedric and Evangeline. She's also the one who stabbed Cedric under his eye

* She would send Cedric and Evangeline pictures of their children while the kids slept with her holding a gun to their heads to remind the parents what would happen if they disobeyed SOMBRA

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